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Health Promotion


# of participants from metro areas

Current Value


Sep 2022


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Story Behind the Curve

Q2 2021

This quarter's target of 126 metropolotan participants was exceeded with 188 people participating in health promotion and education events this quarter. Planning, events and confidence were increasing as evidenced in the May spike. HNSW partnered with a range services including Community Corrections, Corrections NSW, NADA, HARP units, and Notre Dame university. However Sydney lockdowns continue to impact people accessing the progam and its ability to deliver with a number of large events were postponed in June.

Q1 2021

A number of small workshops are starting to roll out in Sydney Metro area. Attendee numbers are low due to the number of people that have been safely permitted to attend in the context of social distancing and COVID restrictions. Wtih restrictions lifting, we expect numbers and sessions will increase.  

Metro sessions were delivered for NDIS service providers and Corrective Services.  

Of note is the succesful Yarnin About Hep C webinar developed by and for Aboriginal Health Care workers and delivered in the South West Sydney LHD.  

Note: January numbers are lowest due to the snap lockdown in the Northern Beaches over the Christmas break. Increased caution across greater Sydney with postponed events and workshops.


Q4 2020

COVID 19 continues to prevent planned and traditional face to face education. However new online content is being developed in partnership and planning has commenced for face to face sessions in the new year. 

Q3 2020

COVID 19 has continued to prevent planned and traditional face to face education. However with restrictions lifting and programs shifting to adjust to social distancing, our education program delivered online learning and engaged key stakeholders to continue health promotion and workforce development. 

This quarter has a high spike of 150 attendees in July with our inaugeral online education event held for Hepatitis Awareness Day. The event was a great success with state wide attendees and multiple speakers. Hepatitsis NSW held sessions with the newly incorporated Aborginal Drug and Alcohol Network (ADAN) Board and look forward to extending that relationship to member organisations. 

Q1 2020

A combination of contributing factors saw a significant decrease from the previous quarter of participants in education sessions. January delivered three workshops with the highest recorded attendance for Sydney's Get Bloody Serious one-day workshop (32). Other sessions were held at BGF and with CNSW. In February, key staff were on leave indicated by the zero number of workshops held. March focused on organising a series of large regional workshops. These were to be delivered late March and early April and are now postponed due to COVID-19. 

Q4 2019

A total of 403 people participated in metropolitan education sessions from October to December inclusive.  

Q3 2019

Three presentations by HNSW at this year's HARP forum elevated numbers for this quarter's figures by 290 participants. Leaving a total of 78 metro participants attending HNSW education sessions, about half the target for the quarter.  

Q2 2019

The first half of this calendar year has not met targets for participants at metro education sessions. This reflects the team's focus on regional work over the past 6 months. Solid forward planning has ensured Sydney July workshops are completely booked out. A series of metro sessions are planned with key stakeholders and peak bodies over the comming months in Sydney.  

Q1 2019

From January to March, the education team continued regional efforts while also meeting targets for metro participants engaged in education sessions. Multiple small community groups were engaged at three correctional centres and one residential rehab with a large sydney workshop deliverd for people working in the BBV sector.  

Q4 2018

The education team focused on delivering a number of regional workshops this quarter. The drop in sessions delivered for metro pariticipants reflects resources directed to regional efforts. In saying this, the team met this quarters target in the first month. 

Q3 2018

NB: This new financial year brings a new approach to our education program. The focus is shifting from workforce development to a broader engagment with all those affected by viral hepatitits across NSW. Targets and quality measures for this project are yet to be finalised. 

The education project officer was working in regional areas in July and September, indicated by the low metro numbers for those months. A spike in August reflects a large number of medical students attending the UNSW expo for medical students, where HNSW had a stall. 

Q2 2018

This quarter sees the end of the financial year. We are pleased to report that all annual targets for the HNSW education project have been exceeded.

This Performance Measure tracks our target to educate 500 professionals in Sydney through a HNSW education session. We exceeded the target by 71% with a total of 855 people attending education sessions in metropolitan Sydney this financial year. Of the total number, 355 were professional people attending hepatitis C training. The remaining 500 people are a mix of other education delivered by HNSW including: HNSW presentations at conferences, info stalls held at pertinant community events, hep B education sessions and education sessions delivered with community most at affected by hep C, for example residential rehabs. 

Q1 2018

The January spike is attributed to holding a stall at the Yabun festival with 180 people recorded as receiving informtion around hepatitis. Febuary also sees high numbers after several workshops delivered with approximatly 40% with community and 60% workforce. Metropolitan numbers drop in march with the team working in regional NSW that month. 

Q4 2017

195 metro based participants were trained in this quarter in sessions held at our offices or those tailor-made for organisations needs.

Q3 2017

Over the past few months, the number of education sessions have dropped slightly with staff members from the education on leave. Despite this, the target for metro participants this quarter have been met and planning is well underway for a series of education workshops across Local Health Districts for the next quarter. 

Q2 2017

This quarter sees the end of the financial year. We are pleased to report that all annual targets for the HNSW education project have been exceeded.

This Performance Measure aims to educate 500 professionals in Sydney through a HNSW education session. We exceeded the target by 82% with a total of 913 professional people attending education sessions in metropolitan Sydney this financial year.


Q1 2017

Targets are consistently met despite the traditionally quiet period of January. Strong planning over December and January delivered busy months for education sessions over February and March in both Metro and Regional areas across NSW.

Q2 2016

New targets have been met this quarter with the Educations Team redesigning education packages to support workers in the sector increase confidence in referring clients into hepatitis C treatment. The education team are partnering with peak bodies of priority populations such as NADA (Network Alcohol and Drug Associations) to engage their member organisations and gain further reach.

Q1 2016

While targets where narrowly missed this quarter for participants in metro Sydney, the team had a strong focus on regional NSW well exceeding targets. The combined target for participants attending HNSW educations sessions across NSW is 166 and education team reached 181 participants.

Q4 2015

Earlier this quarter, numbers dropped but have been steadily increasing. Given that several large workshops have been set for January, these numbers are likely to continue increasing.

Q3 2015:

Number were increasing in the first month of this quarter due to HAW. The second month and third months dropped slightly and September has seen a sharp drop with a number of bookings being shifted to the 4th quarter of the year. Marketing strategies and online courses are being developed to increase participant numbers and meet targets for 2016.

Q2 2015:

Despite the high number of education sessions and a strong increase in metro participant numbers, targets for this quarter where just short of being met. Note that sessions are increasing outside the Sydney metro area.

Q1 2015:

Overall there has been an increase in the number of participants during this quarter, in comparison to last quarter albeit just under our target overall. An increase in January due to our Getting Bloody Serious quarterly workshop, which was fully booked out, with booking for our next workshop already at capacity. A further peak in February with high participation numbers as a result of ASHM hep B nurses course and Justice Health sessions. A gradual decline again in March due to number of education sessions delivered in the rural areas. Further promotion of education sessions required to meet targets

Q4 2014:

Drop in number of educations sessions delivered in this quarter due to staffing absence in the education team and the need for further promotion of the service.

Q3 2014:

We exceeded the target with 435 people participating in sessions across metro areas. This high figure is attributed to holding Hepatitis Awareness Week during in July. A range of organisations applied for grants to run diverse projects to raise awareness of hepatitis and engage community. This quarter demonstrates the successful reach of Hepatitis Awareness Week.


2015 Jan - March Quarter: Ongoing partnering with ASHM with hepatitis B nursing course, working with Aboriginal people, and delivered in partnership with NUAA and continuing partnership with Justice Health.

2014 Oct - Dec quarter. Despite the drop in metro number, relationships with some key organisations were strengthened and developed during this time including WHOS, DANA and Jacaranda House (women's custodial centre).

2014 July - Sept quarter. Multiple organisations engaged in Hepatitis Awareness Week from across the state and metropolitan areas. the most notable partnerships include the South East Sydney LHD, Lismore Liver Clinic and MNCLHD, and Sydney University with Jailbreak Radio to deliver the Indigenous Health Promotion Diploma.

What Works

2015 Jan - March Quarter: We have an ongoing communications with Jenny Douglas from Justice Health, through our Infoline advocacy of inmates, who is aware of our other services i.e. education services. Heplink emails advising of our Getting Bloody Serious quarterly education sessions as well as our website information on education services.

2014 Oct - Dec quarter. ongoing relationships and communication with organisations

Using small grant opportunities encourages organisations that have not previously engaged with HNSW promotes hep awareness and other HNSW services across diverse communities and settings.

Action Plan

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