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Current Value


Aug 2024


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Story Behind the Curve

We generally meet and exceed this target.

In July 2022, we rolled out our latest campaign, which included paid advertising and promoted posts. There is a natural trend towards more views and visits to our site around the time of campaigns and Hepatitis Awareness Week and World Hepatitis Day. These events meant an increase in stats for our website around that time, which has since dropped to regular, but healthy levels.

The downward trend from July 2021 is the result of us changing the parameters of where we gather our website data. Previously, we counted all of our online presence (including YouTube and other social media). As those accounts have started to see their own numbers rise, we decided to split off our 'website' presence to include only Google Analytics from our main website, our microsites and ISSUU. Our social media accounts have their own scorecards now.



  • Web digital marketing consultants, REEF.
  • Website consultants, FLY Development.
  • Google - who have awarded us a Google Grant.

What Works

The release of new issues of Tx! and The Champion e-newsletter as well as new resources and campaigns are the main factors that attract traffic to our site and generate page views. Hep related events and news also play a big part in attracting visits. We keep our resources up-to-date with any changes in the hep C or B environments and advertise those updates amongst our networks, attracting more traffic and increasing page views.

One of our other key traffic sources is Google search results, which drive visitors to our site and generate page views. We have been working with our web marketing consultant to optomise our pages for Google search, with great results so far. We are planning on creating more online page content, from our static, printed resources, as there seems to be a universal trend towards people preferring to access their information online, rather than in print. This should increase our page views, as we continue to migrate resources into web pages.

Action Plan

For a while now we have been marketing our site through email (via our Champion e-newsletter and through targeted emails to our regular lists and networks) and also social media (Facebook and Twitter).

We have also been working with our web marketing consultant to optomise our pages for Google search, with great results so far. They have helped us to further our reach by updating the structure, content and user experience pathways of our site.

Clear Impact Suite is an easy-to-use, web-based software platform that helps your staff collaborate with external stakeholders and community partners by utilizing the combination of data collection, performance reporting, and program planning.

Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy