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General Resources


% of people who after reading our resource plan treatment related behaviour change

Current Value


Aug 2024


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

This is a target that we generally and comfortably meet.


Our resources are well placed to help people achieve positive changes in their lives. Our partners include our target audiences. They also include health promotion workers, researchers, social researchers and marketers, and health care workers who engage directly with our target audience.

Together, we can ensure that our resources promote good reader buy-in, information exchange and help promote positive behaviour changes.

What Works

The DAA drugs should literally sell themselves, but treatment access and uptake is unfortunately not this simple.

The staff at agencies and clinics who distribute our resources are are important champions for hepatitis C DAA treatment. They are also very good bellwethers, keeping us appraised of treatment myths or misinformation that may act as a barrier or hurdle.

Researchers and health promotion workers are important allies who can advise us on treatment-related trends and issues that need addressing.

Building trust with clients is important. We need clients to see us as reputable and evidence-based; and as non-judgemental and inclusive. We need to understand client's issues and their lived experience and our suggestions around treatment need to be realistic and achievable. Working with our target audiences and our other partners helps achieve this.

Action Plan

Continue and expand our engagement with our partners and our communities of interest (as above).

Remain fully informed about treatment options and availability, and other relevant issues.

Remain at the cutting edge of resource design and production.

Build on our marketing plan to ensure that our resources are well respected and utilised.

Continue to monitor the effectiveness of our resources.

Clear Impact Suite is an easy-to-use, web-based software platform that helps your staff collaborate with external stakeholders and community partners by utilizing the combination of data collection, performance reporting, and program planning.

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