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General Resources


% of readers who rate content as useful to them

Current Value


Aug 2024


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

This is a target that we generally and comfortably meet.


Our key partners are those people who help ensure our resources are relevant, engaging and useful.

Healthdirect provide us with good advice around writing and editing.

Health literacy training providers help our staff produce well-targeted resources.

Other partners include the various agencies and clinics across NSW that help distribute our resources, and the researchers who work with our target audiences. They all help us remain aware of reader interests and issues.

What Works

Building trust with clients is important. We need clients to see us as reputable and evidence-based; and as non-judgemental and inclusive. We need to understand client's issues and their lived experience and our suggestions for health and life changes need to be realistic and potentially achievable. Working with our target audiences and our other partners helps achieve this.

Given the above, this performance indicator will be met by us continuing to develop quality resources that are well regarded by our target communities.

To do this, our staff need to stay informed and skilled in written communication, health literacy and design that engages readers.

Additionally, we need to remain connected to our readers. We need to remain aware of their holistic needs.

Action Plan

Continue our staff training and development plan (budgeting for staff attendance at seminars and workshops, etc.)

Continue structuring staff workplans to include time for research and development (how to use new apps, playing with new software, etc.)

We will also continue to build our relationships with key agencies, healthcare workers and the affected communities, seeking advice on issues and lived experience of clients.

The reader feedback and expert advice from staff, will enable us to develop good resources that resonate with our communities of interest.

Clear Impact Suite is an easy-to-use, web-based software platform that helps your staff collaborate with external stakeholders and community partners by utilizing the combination of data collection, performance reporting, and program planning.

Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy