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Tx! Mag


% of people reporting an increase in knowledge

Current Value


Aug 2024


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Story Behind the Curve

Note for Jan and June 2021, no surveys were entered into the system, hence the 0% scores.

Otherwise, this is a target that we generally meet.


Most significant are those clinics who help facilitate reader contributions and feedback. These help ensure that Tx! Mag is well regarded by the readers.

The clinics and agencies that distribute the magazine are important partners. Feedback from staff at these agencies also helps ensure each edition of Tx! Magazine is interesting to readers, and provides useful information that educates readers.

What Works

Maintaining reader input and contributions mean the readers see their stories and their lives accurately portrayed and can relate to the magazine. Upon this foundation, our editor weaves relevant health promotion information and advice.

Having lots of different information in each edition that complements the edition comic strip works well. Use of colour and imagery is important too.

The goal is to have an appealing magazine that engages with readers, and provides useful information that educates readers.

Action Plan

Continue engaging with agencies and clinics with focus groups as often as possible.

Continue to monitor the feedback we get from readers and keep abreast of what's happening across the sector (eg access to new treatments or treatment pathways). This will help make sure Tx! Magazine is providing interesting and useful information.

We also need to maintain our awareness of the issues that face our readership. We need to remain aware of what resonates with them, and to build hepatitis information around that.

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