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Tx! Mag



Current Value


Aug 2024


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

Tx! Mag is published three times a year, which gives the above chart its spikes and troughs. Aside from production and mailout months, distribution is unpredictable and ranges from zero up to 600 per month. Overall, we are meeting and exceeding our distribution targets.

We note that from early 2020, COVID has had a significant impact on our capacity to distribute editions due to office closures. 

The additional distribution of 20,000 copies in August 2020 was due to the inclusion of two copies of remainder Tx! Mag being sent to all prisoners in NSW.


As with other resources, our key distribution partners include the NSW networks of Corrective Services centres, Justice Health clinics, Juvenile Justice centres, NSPs, AOD agencies, detox and rehab centres, and Aboriginal health centres. We also enjoy a long running relationship with Gestalt Comics, who provide exceptional comic artwork.

What Works

We have a great product - the cartoon strip nature of the magazine resonates really well with readers and we continue to get great feedback on it. Our production approach often allows groups of readers to actually craft the cartoon strip story lines. This helps ensure each edition is relevant and entertaining.

Action Plan

On an overall basis, we are meeting and exceeding our performance targets. Tx! is appreciated by readers and well regarded by our distribution partners. We see no need for significant changes to this project.

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy