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Tobacco Prevention Program


Percent of Quitline callers (continued users) that reported that they had reduced their tobacco use.

Current Value




Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

Many adult cigarette smokers want to quit smoking; on CT surveys typically at least 70% of current users report wanting to quit.

Many callers find it extremely difficult to quit but are successful with at least reducing their
dependence on tobacco products

This measure is based on an independent evaluation that was performed by The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for the CT Department of Public Health for the period of July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019.  

The first measure was collected in 2013, the next report will not be available until 2024.

These data are current as of August 2022.


DPH Tobacco Program Staff--Monitors Contract

DPH Quitline Vendor--Quit Coaches

DPH Evaluation Contractor

What Works

US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service Clinical Practice Guidelines confirms that multiple attempts may be needed before a person successfully quits.

Action Plan

The Quitline contractor provides continuous training - for both new and current staff -  that includes motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral theory to make sure that Quit Coaches obtain and maintain the skills that are needed in order to help participants quit.  Ongoing training is required and also provides opportunities to share best practices and new findings.  Skilled workers will be more successful at helping CT residents to quit.

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy