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Tobacco Prevention Program


Number of Quitline callers that enrolled in the multiple call program.

Current Value


Nov 2022


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

CT residents that access Quitline services and enroll in the multiple-call program are eligible to receive nicotine replacement therapies.  Many people only participate in one session, however clinical studies have confirmed that the more sessions a person participates in and the use of medications greatly increases their success at quitting.

The target of 350 callers per month was developed using the average number of callers per month combined with the estimated percent that are willing to participate in multiple calls.  Considerations include the funding available to provide services and the number of CT adult tobacco users who are considering quitting from year to year.

These data are current as of February 2023.  New data are expected by summer 2023.


DPH Tobacco Program Staff--Analyze and Monitor Contract;

DPH Quitline Vendor--Data Intake and Quit Coaches

What Works

Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service Clinical Practice Guidelines confirms there is evidence for the success of multiple sessions, coupled with cessation medications.  The more support a person has, the more likely they are to quit.

Action Plan

Media campaigns help to remind people that cessation services are available free of charge to any Connecticut resident.  Also, health care providers can refer their patients to the Quitline when advising them to quit.

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