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Tobacco Prevention Program


Number of callers to the Connecticut Quitline.

Current Value


Nov 2022


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

The selected estimate of 500 per month is based on the number of adult tobacco users in Connecticut and anticipated Quitline capacity.  The CT Quitline is a tobacco use cessation counseling service available to all CT residents; quitlines are an evidence-based cessation support system, clinically proven to help tobacco users quit.

CT DPH has increased the number of cessation resources available to CT residents in order to assure a sufficient variety of methods are readily available to meet the needs of different tobacco users with the support of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  For example, tobacco use cessation services are available via telephone, online registration, text messaging, or utilizing smartphone apps in order to appeal to a wide variety of users.  Services sponsored by DPH are available free of charge to program participants in order to reduce any barriers to use.  

During the period of 2009-2015, funding was made available for statewide tobacco use cessation media campaigns and better access to cessation services.  During that period, more callers approached the tobacco use cessation telephone Quitline and received services.  As that funding was utilized but not replaced, the number of callers to the Quitline has gradually declined and the trend was reset to the average number of callers that could be served for which ongoing funding was available.

During the calendar year, there are certain times when people are more likely to try quitting such as in time for a New Year's Resolution and/or during the Great American Smokeout.  Also, during times when a media campaign is running (especially one that promotes quitting), more callers access Quitline services.

Beginning in 2018, this figure incorporates both residents that call on the telephone and those that access services through the web: residents that are accessing quitline services.  As a variety of services have been promoted to encourage people to access quitting services in whatever entry method is most convenient and comfortable for them, more choose other points of access besides calling on the telephone such as registering online or texting services.

These data are current as of February 2023. New data are expected by summer of 2023.


DPH Tobacco Program Staff--Defines and Monitors Contract;

DPH Media Vendor--Media Planning and Placement;

DPH Quitline Vendor--Registration Specialists, Quit Coaches, and Data Collection

What Works

The greatest increase in calls is during a media campaign; Mass Reach Health Education Campaigns are a Best Practice for Tobacco Programs as identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  The better-funded the media campaign, the higher the number of callers.

Action Plan

Program outreach to health care providers and the general public to ensure knowledge of the availability of Quitline services offered free of charge.

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