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Public Drinking Water


Percentage of community water systems monitoring for all health-based standards

Current Value




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Story Behind the Curve

The Safe Drinking Water Act establishes health-based standards that are critical to ensuring safe drinking water. Community water systems must routinely test their water for contaminants and report the data to the Drinking Water Section (DWS). The DWS posts all of the public water system monitoring schedules on its website to help owners and operators track and maintain compliance with the monitoring requirements. A high rate of compliance with the monitoring requirements is critical for timely identification of water quality problems in order for the DWS to provide technical assistance to correct the problem. This program measure is calculated and updated on an annual basis.


Environmental Protection Agency: Researches and establishes the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations under the Safe Drinking Water Act which are legally enforceable standards that apply to public water systems.

CTDPH Drinking Water Section: The Environmental Protection Agency has given the CTDPH Drinking Water Section the primary enforcement responsibility (Primacy) for the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations in Connecticut.

Connecticut Local Health Departments: Provide valuable assistance to the CTDPH Drinking Water Section by locally identifying public water systems and providing compliance assistance.

Certified Water System Operators: Public drinking water professionals that are certified by the CTDPH Drinking Water Section for the operation of treatment plants and distribution systems at public water systems.

Town and regional officials: Provide insight on local and regional planning.

Public Water System Owners: Responsible for providing safe and adequate drinking water to their consumers and maintaining compliance with the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations and State Regulations.

What Works

Improving drinking water system technical, managerial and financial capacity through regulatory training, outreach activities, technical assistance, use of high quality sources and direct oversight. The Drinking Water Section (DWS) provides public water system monitoring schedules on its website so all systems are aware of their regulatory responsibilities and monitoring and reporting status.

Action Plan

DPH will continue publishing monitoring schedules on its website and informing new owners and legal contacts of their responsibilities of owning and operating a water system. DWS will continue technical training on water quality regulations to public water systems and system certified operators.

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