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Families and young children are healthy


% of women delivering a live birth who had a healthy weight prior to pregnancy

Current Value





Story Behind the Curve

Last Updated: January 2023

Author: Division of Maternal and Child Health, Vermont Department of Health

The most recent available data shows that 48% of Vermont women who had a baby in 2020 had a healthy weight before they became pregnant. This is below a high of 51% in 2015 and the HP 2020 goal of 53.4%.  However, the trend has seemed to stabilize, even slightly increasing since a low of 44% in 2018.

Why Is This Important?

Reaching a healthy weight before pregnancy reduces the risks of neural tube defects, preterm delivery, diabetes, cesarean section, and hypertensive and thromboembolic disease that are associated with obesity.

This indicator is part of Healthy Vermonters 2020 (the State Health Assessment).  This assessment documents the health status of Vermonters at the start of the decade and the population health indicators and goals that guided the work of public health through 2020.  The Health department is excited to showcase the new set of Healthy Vermonters 2030 objectives coming soon.   Click here for more information.


  • Health care providers
  • Community organizations
  • Schools
  • Worksites
  • Grocers
  • Farmers and other food producers
  • Local governments

What Works

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends screening for obesity in all women of reproductive age and to provide patient care resources for obesity treatment and prevention.


At the state level, the Department has initiated the 3-4-50 program to support communities and businesses to implement or maintain changes to support physical activity, safe walking and biking, use of public transportation, and easy access to fresh foods

Similar to statewide efforts, local partners are using data to drive local strategy. For regional data on Maternal and Infant Health indicators, check out our Public Health Data Explorer.

Notes on Methodology

Data is updated as it becomes available and timing may vary by data source.

The PRAMS sample of women who have had a recent live birth is drawn from the state's birth certificate file. Each participating state samples between 1,300 and 3,400 women per year. Women from some groups are sampled at a higher rate to ensure adequate data are available in smaller but higher risk populations. Selected women are first contacted by mail. If there is no response to repeated mailings, women are contacted and interviewed by telephone. Data collection procedures and instruments are standardized to allow comparisons between states.

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