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Children Live in Stable, Supported Families and 1 more... less...

Children Live in Stable, Supported Families

Number of Substantiated Child Abuse and Neglect Cases

Current Value





Story Behind the Curve

Why it matters:

Adverse childhood experiences (ACES), such as child abuse and neglect, can lead to many significant physical and behavioral health conditions that can impact the child throughout his or her life. ACEs are strongly related to the development and prevalence of a wide range of health problems throughout a person’s lifespan, including:

    • risky health behaviors,
    • chronic health conditions,
    • low life potential, and
    • early death.

Current trend:

Vermont has an increasing number of substantiated child abuse and neglect cases.In 2015, there were 773 substantiated cases of abuse and neglect.

The Lamoille Valley has a decreasing number of substantiated child abuse and neglect cases. In 2015, there were 35 cases of substantiated child abuse and neglect.

Factors contributing to the rate of child abuse and neglect include:

  • Family violence
  • Cognitive of physical disability
  • Family financial stress
  • Parental mental health issues
  • Parental substance abuse


The Vermont Department for Children and Families, Morrisville District Office

Children’s Integrated Services

Area health care providers

Lamoille County Mental Health Services

Clarina Howard Nichols Center

Lamoille County Special Investigation Unit/Child Advocacy Center

Capstone Community Action Agency

Supervisory uniions

What Works

    The factors contributing to child abuse and neglect are complex, and addressing the issue requires comprehensive strategies, including home visiting programs, access to substance abuse treatment options, building family resilience (Strengthening Families), and providing resources to help alleviate financial stresses.


Look at intake and assessment to determine if there is adequate inquiry about the well-being of caregivers.

Strengthen our local capacity for peer connections and natural supports.

Increase capacity to support families to address substance use and abuse.

Provide concrete supports to families in their time of need.

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy