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People in Connecticut Live Injury-Free Lives Free from Fall Risk Factors. and 1 more... less...


Create an environment in which exposure to injuries is minimized or eliminated.

Number of deaths from falls among persons of all ages in Connecticut.

Current Value





Story Behind the Curve

Falls prevention, especially in older persons, is a top Connecticut Department of Public Health priority during the next five years. In the United States, falls are the leading cause of injury and death among older adults 65 years of age and older. In Connecticut falls account for $1.37 billion a year in lifetime costs. During the last decade, the number of deaths due to falls nearly doubled, and falls overtook accidental poisoning and motor vehicle accidents as the leading cause of unintentional injury death. The range of number of deaths between 2008 and 2016 is 64 with a low of 335 in 2010 and a high of 440 in 2015. Three more years of annual data indicated that the number of Fall deaths have declined to about 400 nper year.  The Healthy Connecticut 2020 objective is to reduce the number of deaths due to falls by 10% from 2010 to 2020.

Data last updated June 2020.  Next update is August 2021.


Connecticut Department of Public Health; State Department on Aging; Connecticut Department of Social Services; Connecticut Department of Labor; State Department of Education; Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection; Commission on Children; Office of the Child Advocate; Local public health agencies; Injury prevention centers; Health care providers including nurses, physicians, physical therapists, pharmacists, emergency medical services, hospitals, home care agencies, and rehabilitation facilities; Health professional associations; Recreation associations and recreational providers; Child care providers and consultants; Schools; Coaches and athletic associations; State and local building inspectors; Organizations and coalitions focused on fall and injury prevention for youth, adult, and elderly populations; Community service providers for seniors, youth, and families; National and state philanthropic and medical research organizations; Academic institutions with geriatric programs; Others

What Works

Fall Injuries among Older Adults: “A Tool Kit to Prevent Senior Falls” (National Center for Injury Prevention Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1999)


For current year priority strategies and actions, click here (right click to open link).

Develop and implement a public education campaign about the risks of using multiple medications (polypharmacy).

Promote implementation of evidence-based multi-faceted programs for community dwelling older adults that integrate fall risk reduction strategies.

Educate healthcare, childcare, and other care providers on fall prevention.

Partner with athletic, sports, and recreation stakeholders to develop strategies, policies, and training on use of appropriate protective equipment.

Collaborate with regulators and other partners to promote development and maintenance of playgrounds that meet guidelines for Public Playground Safety.

Develop comprehensive home safety program for families and caregivers, focusing on injury risks for children.

Identify, access, and analyze potential alternative sources of data on causes of and locations of falls for specific age groups, including home, recreational, and sports-related falls.

Develop procedures for improving the coding of data on causes and locations of falls.

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