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Connecticut's Drinking Water is Adequate and Safe.


Risk of consumption of unsafe drinking water from ground water sources serving private wells.


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Story Behind the Curve

This indicator based on the Healthy Connecticut 2020 State Health Improvement Plan is developmental. No data yet.


Connecticut Department of Public Health, State of Connecticut Division of Criminal Justice, Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development, Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection, State Department of Education, Connecticut Department of Administrative Services, Connecticut Department of Housing, Office of the Attorney General, local courts, regional water authorities, federal environmental and geological agencies, local public health agencies, public health professional associations, local water quality agencies, other professional associations concerned with water quality and safety,organizations and coalitions focused on public health and the environment, and philanthropic and research organizations that address the environment.

What Works

Homeowners with private wells typically do not perform routine testing of their wells; therefore the water quality most homeowners are consuming is unknown. The United States Environmental Protection Agency and Connecticut Department of Public Health recommend private wells be tested at least annual for basic indicators. More information on private well testing in Connecticut can be found in Private Well Publication #24:


Develop a statewide campaign to educate residents about source water protection.

Convene a task force to reevaluate the capabilities of the MAVEN database to collect private well data upon the pilot's completion, or identify an alternative.

Establish a surveillance system to collect, maintain and monitor water quality in private wells statewide.

How We Impact

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