Enforcement of minimum housing code standards through the collaboration of code enforcement agencies.
Story Behind the Curve
This indicator based on the Healthy Connecticut 2020 State Health Improvement Plan is developmental. No data yet.
Connecticut Department of Public Health; Connecticut Department of Administrative Services (Division of Construction Services); Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development; Connecticut Department of Housing; State Department of Education; Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection; Connecticut Division of Criminal Justice; Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection; Office of the Attorney General; State Legislature; environmental advocacy organizations; local public health agencies; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; housing and urban development agencies; other professional associations for public health, health care, housing and architecture; business including banking, energy providers, and realtors; organizations and coalitions focused on health and the environment; health care providers; community service organizations serving children and underserved populations; continuing education providers; lead treatment and prevention centers; and academic research institutions focused on health and the environment.
What Works
Code enforment is key to neighborhood revitatlization. Effective partnerships between housing, health, zoning, building and law enforcement, including police and prosecutors. By working together, each of these organzations can do more to clean up and permanently transform poorly-maintained and dangerous properties than they can do on their own.
Leveraging Code Enforcement for Neighborhood Safety: http://www.lisc.org/docs/publications/Leveraging%20Code%20Enforcement_LISC-CSI.pdf
Broken Window Theory is directed towards the prevention of crime and this will be accomplished by steps like keeping buildings in good repair, maintaining clean streets and parks and responding effectively to petty street crime.
Broken Windows Theory: http://sociologyindex.com/broken_window_theory.htm
For current year priority strategies and actions, click here (right click to open link).
SHIP Strategies:
Establish incentives (tax breaks, housing rehabilitation funding) for property owners who comply with new code.
Develop media campaigns to inform property owners of the new code.
Establish a statewide minimum housing code.
Establish baseline measurement of “sub-standard housing”.