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People in Connecticut Experience Decreased Burden Due to Tuberculosis.


Rate of tuberculosis incidence in Connecticut (number per 100,000 population).

Current Value




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Story Behind the Curve

Since an increase in the early 1990's, TB disease incidence had been decreasing in the United States to the lowest rates ever reported in 2013. However, between 2013-2015, there was a leveling of TB incidence nationally.  Since 2015, Connecticut has experienced yearly fluctuations (both increases and decreases) in the number of TB cases reported annually.  It is clear that the current approach to fighting TB is not sufficient to continue to see regular decreases in disease.  To be able to sustain decreases in disease, persons at risk for having TB (e.g. born in or lived in a country with a high incidence of TB, known contact to a person sick with TB) need to be tested and if positive, offered treatment that can prevent them from ever getting sick with TB.  Data is updated as of June 2018.


Note. YR 2020 data updated on March, 2022; YR 2021 data will be updated on: June, 2023


Potential Partners:

There are many potential partners in the fight against TB.  Healthcare providers that serve as primary care providers are the front line in diagnosing persons with TB before they are sick (usually called latent TB infection or LTBI).  Persons with LTBI can take medication that can prevent them from ever getting sick and possibly giving their TB to a friend or family member.  The Connecticut Department of Public Health TB Control Program works with many partners including: local public health agencies (some have TB clinics), public health professional associations; health care providers including primary care and infectious disease physicians, community health centers, college and university health services , and hospitals.

What Works

Testing persons at high risk for TB infection and treating them if they are positive (e.g. persons born in countries with high TB incidence) (CDC Latent TB Infection Testing and Treatment Guidelines) (U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation for Latent Tuberculosis Infection Screening).

Providing safety net services (free medication, reimbursement for medical care) for patients who can't afford treatment.


Potential Strategies:

*Promote and ensure screening and treatment of persons at high risk for TB.

*Promote the use of shorter course treatment regimens (when appropriate) for latent TB infection.

*Educate providers about at risk groups, screening protocols, national recommendations and guidelines and follow-up referral services for TB disease control.

*Maintain Direct Observed Therapy (DOT) as the standard of care for people with TB disease. Increase the use of electronic DOT.

*Implement culturally congruent outreach and health care interventions for persons at risk of latent TB infection and TB disease.

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