Improve overall health through the lifespan, through access to quality behavioral health services that include screening, early intervention, prevention and treatment.
Percentage of Connecticut students (14-18 y) who had five or more drinks of alcohol within a few hours, on one or more of the past 30 days.
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
Potential Partners
Connecticut Department of Public Health, Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, State
Department of Education, Connecticut Department of Children and Families, Connecticut Office of the Healthcare
Advocate, Connecticut Department of Correction, Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection, The
Governor’s Prevention Partnership, health care facilities, primary care and behavioral health providers, faith-based
organizations, legal system including court support services, other organizations and coalitions that focus on
mental health and alcohol addictions, academic institutions, community service providers for families and youth,
and others.
What Works
Potential Strategies
Advocate for an annual requirement for primary care and emergency department providers to receive continuing education on evidence-based strategies for screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment.
Review existing policies relative to alcohol sales and regulations.
Identify and disseminate information about community coalitions using evidence-based programs to address underage drinking.
Partner with the Connecticut Hospital Association to expand the use of evidence-based screening, tools, brief intervention, and referral to treatment in emergency departments.