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All Chittenden County Residents are Healthy **Data for the ECOS health indicators are not yet available due to Health Department Staff being focused on COVID-19** and 3 more... less...


Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse

Percent of Adults who Report Binge Drinking in the Past 30 Days

Current Value




Line Bar Comparison

Story Behind the Curve

Binge drinking is defined as consuming five (male) or four (female) or more drinks on one occasion Since 2002-2003, the overall prevalence of binge drinking among Vermonters has been steady, with the exception of 2015. In all years 18-25 year olds were significantly more likely to binge drink than those who are 26 years and older.   The most common source of alcohol (68%) for this 18-20 year olds is a non-related adult gave or bought alcohol, with the next most common (45%) being alcohol was available at social gathering. To view this comparison, click on this indicator to make it full screen, then click the Toggle Comparison button.


Why Is This Important?

Vermont one of the highest rates in the nation for binge drinking. Excessive alcohol consumption is the third leading preventable cause of death nationwide and the most prevalent form of substance abuse in Chittenden County. Policies that reduce exposure to alcohol advertising and limit youth access to alcohol may reduce the health impacts of high-risk alcohol consumption.

Note on Methodology

Due to BRFSS weighting methodology changes beginning in 2011, comparisons between data collected in 2011 and later and that from 2010 and earlier should be made with caution. Differences between data from 2011 forward and earlier years may be due to methodological changes, rather than changes in opinion or behavior.


Vermont Department of Health

Local Community Coalitions

Law Enforcement

Local Colleges


Vermont Department of Health, Burlington District Office, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program

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