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Number of confirmed Lyme disease cases who were reported to be exposed in Chittenden County.

Current Value

134 Cases



Line Bar Comparison

Story Behind the Curve

This indicator measures the number of new Lyme disease cases among Chittenden County residents each year. Overall, about 54% were reported to be exposed within the county, 20% have unknown exposures and 26% were reported to be exposed elsewhere (another county, out of state, or another country). Location of exposure is only known for approximately 80% of cases. For 20% of cases, the exposure is unknown, though many probably did have a local exposure.

Click the Toggle Comparison button to view the number of probable cases.

Why Is This Important?

Lyme disease is caused when an infected tick bites a person. The dynamics of Lyme disease are influenced by a range of factors, including land use, populations of mouse and deer hosts, the number of infected ticks, and climate. Warming temperatures are thought to increase tick abundance while also lengthening their seasonal period of activity. Beyond Lyme disease, a warmer climate may allow other vectors of disease, such as Lone Star ticks, to expand their ranges into Vermont.


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