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Indicator Data

GMT Ridership per Fiscal Year

Current Value

1.73 mil trips



Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

GMTA experienced steady growth in ridership up to 2013, especially after the addition of the Link Express services and expansion to 15 minute service on selected routes. There was a downturn in 2014, largely due to the 18 day drivers’ strike when service was unavailable. A slight recovery followed in 2015 but since then, there’s been annual declines reflecting national downward trends. Cheap gasoline and higher rates of car ownership are factors usually cited for the decline.

Why Is This Important?

Public transit not only provides essential mobility for those without a vehicle, it also removes cars from the roads for those who choose this mode for other reasons. Higher transit use helps sustain an efficient transportation system.

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy