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Families are Safe and Economically Stable (Anne Arundel) and 1 more... less...


Families are Safe and Economically Stable (Anne Arundel CD)

Homelessness: % of Public School Children Homeless on September 30 of School Year

Current Value




Line Bar Comparison

Story Behind the Curve

Completed with Homeless Youth Work Group

  • Lack of affordable housing options
  • Family stressors
  • Increase in ability to identify can contribute to increase in numbers - Youth Reach data specifically (school system data is less clear. Similar collection methods and framework but there may be differences in staff that contribute to differences in numbers.)
  • kids aging out of foster care (can be as young as 18)
  • Substance abuse - MD students assistance program (MSAP) discontinued about four years ago (federal funding discontinued). Only one SA educator at Mary Moss.
  • Shelters are seeing an increase in youth 18+ with SA in background (opioids)
  • overlap with disconnected youth - youth who have not completed school and/or who are not connected to workforce
  • SNAP benefit changes - reduction in overall benefits , ABAWD waiver change
  • Adults working with youth need better training and/or referral options to identify potentially homeless youth early on and link them to services
  • There aren't PPW's in all high schools
  • Is PPW ratio even enough when there is an assigned PPW?
  • Same question about other student services personnel (counselors, school psychs)
  • lack of mental health supports for youth (long wait times, lack of available providers, cost, other access issues)
  • lack of accessible/affordable public transportation
  • Parents with SA issues that can spiral and destabilize families
  • Looking at adult supports and impacts on kids
  • Youth disconnected from family that need services but can't consent to service because of age (youth under 18 specifically) - legal constraints
  • Youth disconnected from family do not have access to their personal documents


  • Legislators - policy issues? (County Exec constituent services? State legislators)
  • DJS
  • DSS - services division (foster care, kinship care, in-home, etc.)
  • Any other issue focused coalitions that might be interested?
  • Police Department
  • Shelters (have Sarah's House, need Lighthouse?)
  • Business partners - Chamber members, local employers of chains (like Starbucks, Chipotle, Chick-fil-a etc.)
  • Partners with Supportive Employment
  • Arundel House of Hope
  • Philanthropy
  • Corporate partners - like Under Armor?

What Works

  • Early interventions - trying to move student services capacity to elementary schools to catch kids early
  • Youth mentoring - additional supports to ensure high school graduation, additional educational opportunities that allow for long-term stability (AACPS Power of One Program) Specifically for homeless youth.
  • Safe spaces/teen drop-in centers
  • Family counseling/support approaches - Strengthening Families
  • More transitional housing programs
  • Homestretch documentary about Chicago youth - also look PG County program
  • Baltimore City - Loving Arms
  • Family Stability Initiative model for youth?
  • Second Story (formerly Alternative House) - teen crisis center, permanent housing, supportive housing, shelter, etc. - in Vienna, VA
  • Crisis line - phone OR text!
  • Transitional Living Programs
  • Street outreach for unaccompanied homeless youth - expand to whole county?
  • Develop a youth advisory board


  • Developing a Transitional Living Program for youth/young adults for this area!
  • Development of a Caregiver Affidavit (or something similar) that allows youth under 18 to have an adult in their life provide some kind of consent for service
  • Teen Drop In Center (need a different name!)
  • Expand affordable housing? More vouchers?
  • More easily accessible crisis line - something specific for unaccompanied homeless youth
  • Create mechanism to accept donations for Coalition to End Homelessness
  • Identify empty buildings that landlords might "donate" (or lease for like $1/year)
  • Public facing site that allows us to communicate needs to the community!
  • Expand Power of One program - recruit mentors from senior citizens/retired community members
  • Additional prevention trainings for adults (teachers, coaches, library staff, bus drivers, other school staff) to help identify at-risk youth - replicate Iowa Early Warning System? (or similar?)
  • Another showing of "Homestretch" in a community forum? Panel discussion etc. (Could it be shown in connection with Annapolis Film Festival?) Combine with Youth Reach data presentation?

Data Discussion

The percent of children enrolled in the public school system who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence or who are awaiting foster-care placement.


  • Look at gender disparities (if any) as services may be different
  • Pregnancy/young child data for homeless youth? (Youth Reach has, school system data does not)
  • Compare our stats to aggregated/analyzed data from Youth Reach

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