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Communities are Safe for Children, Youth and Families (Anne Arundel County)


Child Maltreatment: Indicated or Unsubstantiated Findings per 1,000

Current Value




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Story Behind the Curve

Completed with Child Fatality Review Team 

  • Increase in reporting from Hispanic families - culture shift, more acceptable, better understanding, mainstreaming of families so less fear of the system
  • Opiate epidemic
  • Poverty - lasting impact of recession
  • Housing bust - big shift from permanent housing to homelessness
  • Lack of mental health capacity and supports for parents
  • Lack of employment opportunities
  • Lack of child care
  • Mental health and substance abuse issues with kids as well
  • Foster care placements on the rise because of substance abuse, teens that parents won't allow to come home after RTC because of mental health issues
  • Increase of awareness/education around mental health (MHFA and YMHFA push since 2014) so increased recognition and reporting
  • Lack of mental health resources for children and adolescents - particularly affordable options for privately insured or uninsured youth, or providers that are available in private insurance that are inappropriate or incomplete compared to MA options
  • Kids with SHCN have higher issues with maltreatment reports - lack of providers of respite care and other supports for that population
  • Multi-generational families in one home and there can be issues between grandparents and parents about what is "appropriate" discipline etc. how those things are interpreted (corporal punishment etc)
  • Unintentional poisonings - dangers to children
  • Need to engage families that present as "high risk" but that refuse home visiting strategies - know that child maltreatment/death cases are underrepresented in Home Visiting programs (is there a way to make HV mandatory?)


  • DSS
  • Health Dept
  • Mental Health
  • Hospitals
  • Pediatricians
  • Schools
  • DJS
  • Faith based - more community involvement
  • Community organizations
  • Police/Fire
  • More engagement of hispanic community?
  • Heritage Community Church - great outreach to teens and hispanic community but can we replicate with other churches in the county?
  • St Mary's? (ESL classes, increased outreach)
  • Partnership
  • Chrysalis House
  • YWCA
  • Blue Ribbon Project
  • AAP - Maryland State Chapter on Child Maltreatment (bring their expertise)
  • State's Attorney's Office
  • CASA
  • Pathways
  • Military
  • Family Preservation
  • Day Care providers (Arundel CCC)

What Works

  • Blue Ribbon Project
  • Strengthening Families
  • Home Visiting Programs (value of extra set of eyes, happens inside the home)
  • Equal access to healthcare, increased health care options
  • Title IV E money shift towards prevention and not just serving foster care youth
  • Alternative Response
  • Family-centered approaches
  • Parenting classes
  • Trauma-informed practices and models (need more training with clinicians, providers)
  • School-based initiatives for parents and families
  • "Not My Child" events
  • "Break the Cycle" events
  • Working with parents and kids simultaneously rather than independently
  • Churches offering programs - less intimidating
  • Collaborative approaches - multi-d teams looking at issues holistically
  • CASA
  • CareFirst BCBS through Magellan exploring new model of embedding mental health clinicians inside primary care practices - co-locating mental and physical health (Partnership with Annapolis Pediatrics/Oasis)
  • Men's Groups - increasing father involvement in families and communities (gentleman from CAT team?)
  • Young father's program through DSS Family Support Center
  • Parenting classes through military (Daddy Boot Camp, etc.)
  • Having social workers embedded into emergency services to connect families to these kinds of resources - particularly someone with expertise in children/family needs


  • Increased capacity in the mental health system
  • Continuing education and outreach on substance abuse prevention/intervention
  • Increased parenting education - better alternative strategies for discipline, better coping mechanisms (Strengthening Families models)
  • More EBP's - Parent's as Teachers, Healthy Families America - but also need approaches that go beyond early childhood
  • Multi-disciplinary approach - Home Visiting Models

Data Discussion

  • Data sharing platforms across agencies
  • Trend data around minority populations, particularly immigrants (current political climate may cause a reverse in the current increase in engagement)
  • Additional historic data for expanded trend line?

Additional data sources, info on EBP's, etc. (provided by Lisa Helms Guba, CFR Coordinator):

2013 Violence & Injury Prevention Guide for Decision Makers - Mid Atlantic Region (Pages 10-12)

Maryland CHAMP for Medical Providers and for Non-Medical Providers

Casey Family Programs "Evidence-based and Promising Interventions for Preventing Child Fatalities and Severe Child Injuries Related to Child Maltreatment"

Upbring's White Papers on best practices for building protective factors for children in the child welfare system

Annie E. Casey Foundation work on Child Welfare

University of MD School of Social Work's Child Welfare Academy

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