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Communities are Safe for Children, Youth and Families (Anne Arundel County) and 1 more... less...


Communities are Safe for Children, Youth and Families (Anne Arundel CD)

Recidivism: 12 Months: Rate for Department of Juvenile Services Committed Program Releases (Rearrest)

Current Value


FY 2015


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

Completed with Impact of Incarceration Work Group

  • Unstable home life – lack of support to keep on the right track
  • Lack of opportunity – employment, access to resources
  • Lack of mentorship programs that would help address youth behaviors/provide role models
  • Institutional racism
  • Implicit racism/bias
  • Distrust of minority youth in the police
  • Racial profiling?
  • SRO’s may be charging kids at higher rates rather than a disciplinary intervention (need to look at data) – looking through a “criminal lens” – collaborations between SRO’s and schools/supports have lessened
  • Restorative justice practices are needed – lack of training, capacity
  • Change in leadership impacting how those in the field address
  • Lack of transportation to visit probation officers/attend court dates – not making those appointments can be cause for rearrest
  • Lack of transportation across the board – social activities, treatment, access to resources
  • Increase in drugs/weapons available – particularly in Annapolis – which creates more opportunities for youth crime with these more serious charges
  • Lack of affordable/available drug treatment programs
  • No drug dealers rehabilitation programs (different job fields, skill set, addressing economics, etc.)
  • Socio-cultural factors/lack of adult role models
  • Economics – poverty is a powerful motivator
  • Underlying mental health conditions
  • Lack of education among many parents, so lack of educational emphasis for youth
  • Poor school attendance
  • Undiagnosed learning disorders/cognitive disorders – school disengagement
  • Survival in their neighborhoods is dependent on following orders from adults in the neighborhood often involved in criminal pursuits
  • Bored – lack of engagement, personal fulfillment
  • Need new methods of engagement to keep kids in school – talk to them, not at them
  • Lack of community resources/activities – no one brings thing into the communities, kids can’t get out of the communities to get to things that would engage them, can’t afford to participate
  • Lack of available meaningful jobs programs
  • Lack of hope
  • Transition planning for youth, aptitude tests to help youth identify their strengths and paths for future growth/success
  • Lack of identification of trafficking among youth
  • Intergenerational issues (youth targeted because their parents have been incarcerated)
  • Lack of youth understanding of mental health and prescription drug treatment


  • Jails/prisons
  • Parents (particularly parents who have experienced incarceration themselves)
  • AACC (Teach and other)
  • AACPS – PPW’s, School Counselors, Homeless Liaison
  • DJS
  • Student/youth
  • SRO program
  • Police Dept.
  • Diversion Programs
  • Restorative Justice Programs
  • Health Dept.
  • Faith community
  • DSS
  • Multi-D teams (CRICT etc)
  • Rec & Parks
  • Boys & Girls Clubs
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters
  • Local nonprofits – community engagement partners
  • Business Community (Chambers of Commerce)
  • Philanthropy
  • Fraternities and Sororities
  • Judiciary partners
  • State Attorney’s Office
  • Community Associations
  • PTA’s/PTO’s
  • Y of Central Maryland
  • Volunteer Center & Volunteers (corporations that require employee giving)
  • Kids at Hope/Treasure Hunters
  • Chesapeake Arts Center
  • Maryland Hall
  • Local Film Festival folks
  • Social media/marketing experts (Crosby??)

What Works

  • Training for SRO’s and police officers (Alcohol citations/compliance checks, disproportionate minority contact, party controls)
  • Youth Mental Health First Aid/Mental Health First Aid
  • Kids at Hope
  • Diversion Programs
  • Restorative Justice Practices
  • Safe Streets Programs/Initiatives - coordinated efforts to reduce community-level risk factors (drugs, crime, violence, etc.)
  • Safe Place Program – local businesses, churches, etc. are trained to be a “safe place” for local youth [based out of Louisville]
  • Kid work programs – like a bistro, food stand – they can learn skills, be engaged, give back, etc.
  • 2 or 3 generation approaches
  • Involvement of Grandparents
  • Kinship programs
  • Senior Citizen/Foster Grandparent mentoring programs
  • Gems & Jewels program – increase capacity
  • JIFI program – increase capacity
  • I-5 Elite – competitive sports leagues with school scholarships attached
  • Sports programs
  • Arts programs
  • A Reason To Survive – ARTS therapeutic programs
  • Teen Drop In Center - incorporate things like arts, sports, other activities
  • Recognition programs to encourage best practices/appropriate behaviors (Chambers, County agencies, etc.)
  • Juvenile Drug Court – didn’t work here initially, perhaps revive?
  • Strengthening Families
  • 13th Documentary– Libraries have public performance rights, help educate community?
  • Beats Documentary – short film on implicit bias
  • We Will Rise – Film/mini-series on 4 different youth (resiliency)


  • Organize public showing of 13th /Beats/We Will Rise etc. – perhaps multiple showings, multiple venues (CAC, I-5, AACC Arundel Mills)
  • Develop local documentary – “mobile town hall conversations” - Bring in local film festival/documentarians, AACC, other stakeholders together
  • Utilize social media in reaching community, particularly youth & other disconnected populations – PSAs, information sharing, personal invitations, etc. (low cost/no cost)
  • Not My Child Events (model)
  • Be thoughtful about messaging – engage vs. alienate (“Adolescents Under Pressure”)
  • Possible app development for community issues? (Reporting issues, accessing supports, positive interactions, etc.)
  • Focus on Trauma Informed Care – build on AAWGT event
  • Mental Health Awareness – YMHFA/MHFA
  • Education
  • Literacy education – Open Book expansion, summer reading programs – multi-generational approach
  • 1,000 books before Kindergarten and other Library Programs (SAIL Account)
  • Be thoughtful about how we share and support the stories of Anne Arundel County through programs (not just external stories)
  • Relational Resources for inmates exiting the systems – faith based – has resources, community events, follow-up, etc. [I-5 interested, Ordnance Road is also interested!]
  • Host a series of youth focus groups to get their insight
  • Increase of Diversion Programs – capacity, use
  • Soft Skills programs for kids (Connect Coalition)
  • Adulting 101 - AACPL
  • Increase capacity of existing programs like JIFI, Gems & Jewels, etc.

Data Discussion

Juvenile and adult re-adjudicated/convicted recidivism rates for youth released from the Department of Juvenile Services committed programs after 12 months.

  • Annie E Casey Report – Disparity in Detention Rates
  • RRI
  • SRO rate of charge has increased significantly – look at that data

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