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Youth Will Complete School (Anne Arundel) (Formerly School Completion)


Dropouts: % of Public School Students, Grades 9-12, Who Withdrew Before Graduation or Before Completing a Maryland-Approved Educational Program

Current Value




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Story Behind the Curve

Completed with Disconnected Youth Work Group 

  • youth homelessness
  • increased rigor and expectations (test scores, etc.)
  • mental health
  • substance abuse
  • poverty (kids needing to be income earners)
  • unstable families - kids needing to be caregivers
  • teen parents
  • lack of support - anchor relationship nor web of support
  • future opportunities for "fast money" to be made on the streets
  • social isolation (in the real world vs. virtual relationships)

Seven Adverse Life Experience/Predictors for Drop Out (from "Don't Quit on Me")

  • Suspension from school (even one time)
  • mental health
  • transience (homelessness and moving homes)
  • not feeling academically prepared for school
  • having many friends leave school
  • becoming a parent

NOTE: moving away from suspension and expulsion administratively based on MSDE guidance and requirements. Adding things like PBIS, social workers, etc.


  • AACPS - PPW's, counselors, teachers,
  • AACC - both college and career/apprenticeship paths
  • DSS
  • Partnership (LMB)
  • Chesapeake Center for Youth Development
  • Faith Community
  • DJS
  • Mental Health Agency/Core Service Agency
  • Sororities/Fraternities
  • Police department
  • Parents
  • Youth
  • Community leaders/opinion leaders
  • Business leaders - Chamber's of Commerce, Business Partnerships
  • Health Dept. (Vital records)
  • Boys & Girls Clubs
  • Recreation & Parks
  • Centro de Ayuda
  • RCDC
  • Eastport Girls Club
  • Seeds 4 Success
  • Philanthropic Community (AAWGT, Junior League, CFAAC)
  • Service Clubs - Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis, etc
  • Local unions?
  • MVA
  • Legislators - policy/legislation around barriers
  • Group around Justice Reinvestment Act (probation/parole/early release)
  • State Attorney's Office

What Works

  • Kids at Hope - can provide framework for some of these things (like anchor parent, caring adults, etc.)
  • PBIS
  • Annapolis based Teen Mom Program (access can be challenging because of geography/transportation)
  • Old YWCA partnership that provided parenting classes and child care
  • Penguin School - Baltimore City - designed for teen parents to be able to bring kids to school
  • Community Schools (Ben Franklin)
  • Kids at Hope - can provide framework for some of these things (like anchor parent, caring adults, etc.)
  • Success Mentors (Bloomberg)
  • Alt One's - 19 schools have Alt 1's - student caseload of youth that are high risk (attendance, behavior, grades) - through Kathy Lane's office
  • Strengthening Families
  • CRICT teams
  • Teen Court


  • Mentoring (possible low cost option)
  • PPW's
  • Offering post-graduation survey earlier to help kids to identify a path (low cost/no cost) - or translating to a 9th grade version to determine which kids are
  • Targeting small groups of high-risk kids (Classic Men, Leading Ladies, etc.)
  • Parenting programs/parenting groups (for kids with poor attendance and other related issues)
  • Anchor Adult - Gateway to web of supports
  • Intensive Case Management
  • Workforce-based Disconnected Youth Programming (defunded by AAWDC)
  • Partnership with workforce development to get kids into workforce
  • Basic needs services
  • Behavioral health services
  • Community Ambassadors (school culture)
  • In-home Family Preservation
  • Other in-home services/supports
  • "Dreaming" within families/with parents - teach them how to dream! (Off the wall strategy)

Four Types of Support:

  • Emotional
  • Instrumental (practical - bus passes, drivers licenses, etc.)
  • Appraisal
  • Informational

Data Discussion

Data point definition: The percent of public school students, grade 9 - 12, who withdrew from school before graduation or before completing a Maryland-approved educational program during the July to June academic year and are not known to have enrolled in another high school program during the academic year.

  • Expulsion & suspension data
  • Disaggregated data from MSDE on graduation and dropout rates (race/ethnicity, geography, FARMS, special ed, ELL)
  • Need to understand the Educational Attainment categories and data definitions
  • PBIS data
  • % of students identified "at risk" in high school (and criteria)
  • Data from post-graduation survey from high school seniors around how many have no plan
  • Truancy/absenteeism data (elementary school - 3rd grade as predictor for drop out rate)
  • 3rd grade reading level (disaggregated by income and race) - MSDE piloting as part of national campaign
  • AAWGT program focusing on 2nd grade reading levels?
  • School Climate Survey (and how frequently is it collected)
  • DJS data (geographical)

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