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Families are Safe and Economically Stable (Anne Arundel) and 1 more... less...


Families are Safe and Economically Stable (Anne Arundel CD)

Child Poverty: % of Children Under 18 Living in Poverty

Current Value




Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

  • Surprised at the numbers because the African American unemployment rate was very low in 2019. 
  • Counterpoint: overall rate in 2019 was low but the disparities were/are still there - employed adults are often under-employed or working multiple jobs while still struggling economically 
  • **Poverty doesn't mean not working**
  • Low-income families working lower-wage jobs that are "off the book" type jobs (lack consistency, benefits, regulation)
  • High cost of housing means family budgets are often housing overburdened
  • Cost of food and other basic necessities are also expensive
  • Need better, more affordable childcare options so families can increase their hours at work or work on education
  • Single-parent families are at a disadvantage, particularly in this county, with only one income 
  • Financial Literacy - not really taught anywhere as part of general education
  • Technology divide - impacts families too in terms of accessing job sites, postings, being able to do virtual interviews during COVID
  • The money that struggling families are making is going to the bills/rent and can't afford the technology for virutal learning for themselves or their kids
  • Interview skills/ resume building in this environment is challenging 
  • Lack of good transportation makes getting from where people live in the county (particularly the more affordable parts) to where the jobs are
  • Public Transportation to job interviews during this pandemic may not be the safest option for some families even when it is available
  • Lack of qualifications/licensing or ability to obtain these for available jobs
  • Lack of case management to support these families 
  • Homeless families have a very hard time breaking the cycle - need more options to support families as they work towards stability
  • Contacting resources may be difficult for families who cannot afford to pay their phone bills or who only have sporadic phone access
  • Lack of high school diploma or GED - though even that is not enough for many jobs
  • Criminal records and how we treat those returning from incarceration
  • Substance use/abuse and lack of treatment options
  • Impacts of mental health/lack of mental health services 
  • Solutions are considered as "bandaids" smaller specific problems in the moment but as a community, we are not equipped to address the underlying problems 
  • Many are looking for any jobs available but not looking for a career which would help build long-term stability
  • Life education vs school education 
  • Helping both youth and adults explore non-college career paths/knowing what options are available.
  • Lack of bilingual programs and services
  • Legal status to be able to apply to different jobs. (ask for social security/documents) 
  • In most Hispanic families, they have one person providing the household income. 
  • The regular childcare programs are high cost, but families that have a special needs child pay more for these programs.
  • COVID-19 has exposed many Hispanic families because of living situations/jobs/etc. which has further impacted their ability to work/earn 
  • Many Hispanic families (who lack legal status) can't access unemployment, humanitarian relief fund, other benefits


  • AAWDC 
  • County govt
  • State Govt
  • City Govt
  • DSS
  • The Arc
  • Partnership CYF
  • Food Bank
  • HOPE for All
  • Mental Health Agency/CSA/Crisis Response
  • DHMH
  • Dept. of Aging
  • The Y of Central MD
  • AACC
  • YWCA
  • Arundel Lodge
  • Faith Community
  • MD Chapter - American Academy of Pediatrics
  • Hospitals (UMD BWMC, AAMC, Harbor)
  • Private funders - philanthropy community/foundations
  • County Council/City Council/Local Representatives
  • Courts
  • District Attorney's Office
  • DJS
  • Homeland Security/CIS/ICE/CBCP
  • Mental Health Providers
  • Substance Abuse Prevention/Treatment providers
  • SOC/CRICT teams
  • Business Community (Local Chambers of Commerce)
  • Parks and Rec (childcare piece?)
  • The YMCA (scholarships for childcare)
  • Families 

What Works

  • Basic Needs Supports - Systems of Care, Case Management, etc.
  • Multi-D Teams (CRICT, EC CRICT, etc.)
  • Not My Child (addressing substance use/abuse)
  • AACC - Reducing cost of higher education, training programs, non-credit courses to help with employment
  • Homeless Coalition
  • Homeless Coordinator AACPS (in conjunction with PPW's, school counselors, etc.)
  • Shelters and other homeless supports
  • DSS Emergency Service Unit/Alternative Response
  • Homelessness Prevention/Shelter Diversion Programs (UWCM)
  • Flexible and braided funding streams to meet family needs (car repairs, medications, stop-gap measures)
  • Data sharing among key agencies (better service delivery to families that are "deep end" users)
  • Vehicles for change
  • Having a robust public transportation system
  • Universal Pre-K (alleviates some child care issues/helps children with school success)
  • Affordable before and aftercare for kids
  • Child Care Vouchers
  • Finding a new industry to bring into the community (example: Baltimore City biotech industry)
  • Sick Child Day Care (Minnesota model, Baltimore County)
  • Evening child care for parents who work swing shift (Kingdom Kare - West County)
  • Increased public housing opportunities
  • Better zoning laws that allow for more affordable housing
  • Communities are organized/unionized - advocacy around wages
  • Employment centers
  • Dorm Program in Portland, ME - downtown location to help them have access to jobs/programs
  • Mentoring for teens/young adults for outside perspective/guidance 
  • Helping parents with virutal learning and virtual job seeking/interviewing
  • Affordable Virutal Learning Centers where kids can go throughout the county 
  • Churches that want to help but are unsure of how to - perhaps give them a "problem" to solve or a specific identified gap to fill?
  • Partnering with Police Dept to help with criminal record barriers - also look at policy and hiring practices that make expungement necessary
  • Mobile services/solutions (ex: medstar van)


  1. More access to supports for basic needs to help families get/remain stable (SOC, CRICT Teams, alternative response, Family Stability programs)
  2. Increase in skill/trade/training programs in growth industries (cyber security, HVAAC, plumbing) and "old school" trades (carpentry, electricians, plumbers, etc.)
  3. Create community Hubs/Drop-In Centers for families and youth where they can access multiple services in one place
  4. Full-Day Universal Pre-K with FREE Before & After Care
  5. Improved regional transportation plan to make employment options more accessible regardless of where you live

Two themes/notes were also highlighted:

  • Need to get communities educated and on-board to reduce NIMBY mindset/behaviors so we can have more diverse affordable housing options across the county
  • Need to better address systemic disparities and inequities, particularly as it relates to trauma - so more training and tools for agencies/systems/providers

Data Discussion

Unless otherwise specified, any missing data is either because there are no individuals who identify with the race/ethnicity or the data is suppressed to protect privacy. The race/ethnicity groups included in the indicator are as written in the original data source.

Data Source


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