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Families are Safe and Economically Stable (Frederick) (Formerly Stability)


Hunger: % of public school students eligible for free or reduced-price meals

Current Value




Line Bar Comparison

Story Behind the Curve

Possible reasons for the data plateauing:

  • Blessings in a backpack; strong food pantries; 


  • Do we know that this means kids are actually hungry?  No data around "hunger".
  • What was the data collection in 2005/early days?  Doing better about collecting data so more is collected?
  • This tracks pretty close to children living in poverty.
  • Only tracks children in public school.


What Works


Data Discussion

The percent of families who experience a lack of access, at times, to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members; limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate foods.

Note:  This indicator does not necessarily reflect hunger; consider finding a better measure in Frederick County?

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