Youth Have Opportunities for Employment and Career Readiness (Anne Arundel CD)
Percent of Youth Ages 16-24 Not in School and Not Working
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
- age to withdraw from school is increasing
- lack of transportation
- no drivers licenses (bad policy, lack of documentation)
- lack of affordablechild care
- lack of academic skills ***** MATH & READING
- lack of soft skills/people skills
- behavioral health challenges - mental health, substance abuse
- criminal charges from early youth that can't be expunged (policy)
- instability - including homelessness
- understanding multiple pathways to employment above/beyond college
- need career exploration opportunities (upward bound)
- racism in hiring discrimination in general
- cultural attitude that these kids can't be fixed/saved/salvaged/rescued
- lack of access to caring adults - support systems
- lack a personal vision for the future or lack support to help them achieve a vision they have
- need to learn how to navigate life
- Mental Health Agency
- employers
- transportation folks
- faith community
- YSB's (incl. JIFI)
- Parole & Probation
- Sororities and Fraternities
- Ft Meade
- Goodwill
- Homeless coalition
- parents/families
- coaches
- philanthropy
- engaged citizens
- peers
- Parks & Rec
- Skill trade programs (ex. IEC)
What Works
- Jobcorps
- mentoring
- Navigation
- Apprenticeship
- wraparound in connection/collaboration with other pieces
- integration of academics and vocational training
- available jobs that pay a living wage
- tuition incentive or waiver programs
- investment in future(financial, social)
- Student Achievement Success Program (SASP)
- Montgomery County program for DJS/DSS kids
- Diversion programs/restorative justice practices
- Social supports (arts, sports,community)
- Transition programs for foster care youth
- Mentors (low-cost)
- Off the wall - takethesekids out of their communities and let them see other parts of the world
- Alternative programs/high schools with different grad requirements (Off the wall)
- Mopeds (Pam)
- Work-based mentoring (Chipotle)
- Government buys a "driving range" (not golf) where kids could get their drivers ed requirement hours -Safety City
- Driving clubs to help with driving Transportation alternatives (Uber, Van-GO)
- Work based childcare(free?)
- Mentoring of families/parent support
- 2 Generation programming
- Enhanced "early warning" systems with accelerated engagement
- Enhanced wraparound Longitudinal tracking of youth (Baltimore?)
- Life-skills classes (learn how to budget, homecare,cooking,etc.)
- Affordable/accessible mental health services
Data Discussion
- Interested in PBIS data
- School climate survey data
- Need good unemployment data from AAWDC
- disaggregated school graduation data
- DJS data by zip code/school/jurisdiction
- Chronic absenteeism data by school
Would like to do an overlay of PBIS, Absenteeism data and DJS data to identify potential"hot spots"
Indicator: Youth Not in School and Not Working (% ages 16-24)
Definition: The percentage of the population ages 16 to 24 who are not enrolled in school and who are not working (either unemployed or not in the labor force).
Source: Measure of America analysis of data from the U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey PUMS Microdata ( and custom tabulations for county and county equivalents provided by special arrangement with the U.S. Census Bureau.