Buncombe County is the safest place in the universe, with resilient communities free from domestic violence, sexual violence and child maltreatment.
Total number of arrests for sexual assault and intimate partner violence - with comparisons
Current Value
Data Description & Source
This data comes from city and county arrest records and is reported on the Family Justice Center's internal "data dashboard." CHIP communicates with the FJC for updated annual data.
Story Behind the Curve
(from Our VOICE website. More specific information to come as the group dives into local context.)
Our VOICE, a non-profit crisis intervention and prevention agency which serves victims of sexual violence age 13 through adult in Buncombe County, was founded in 1974 as an all-volunteer grassroots organization. Since then it has been focused on both supporting the healing of survivors and preventing future acts of sexual violence.
Client Services:
Our VOICE recognizes the difficulty many people have in reporting sexual violence. We also acknowledge the traumatic nature of sexual violence and the need for providing support and information to the victims of these crimes. To assist the survivor in regaining a sense of control over their life is the primary goal of our direct services.
- 24-hour crisis line
- case management
- individual and group counseling
- accompaniment to medical services, law enforcement interviews and court proceedings
- information and referrals
Prevention, Education and Outreach:
Our VOICE brings programming to diverse groups throughout the county that addresses the root causes of sexual violence, advocates for positive social change and empowers individuals.
- community education programs focusing on awareness and prevention for all age groups
- in-service training for professionals
- conference speakers
- consultant services