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All children are safe at child care

Number of Child Deaths in Child Care

Current Value






Child Care Programs:

Child care providers have the biggest role in ensuring there are no deaths of children as a result of an incident in child care. Child Care programs can learn about and follow Vermont's Child Care Licensing Regulations ensuring appropriate supervision and health and safety standards are met.

Community Support Agencies:

Agencies and organizations based in the communities and state have a role in supporting child care workers in understanding best practice in health and safety standards and offering training to the workers.

The Public:

The general public can help by reporting any concerns about child care programs to the VT Child Care Licensing Regulations to the Child Development Division which will ensure licensors are aware of the needed guidance and support by programs.

What Works

Child Care Licensing Visits to ensure compliance with the VT Child Care Licensing Regulations are essential to support child care programs to be safe, supportive environments for children and families.


Child Care Licensing:

The Child Care Licensing Unit's goal is to visit every program annually to ensure compliance with the Child Care Licensing Regulations.


The Child Care Licensing Regulations require trainings for all child care workers on safe sleep practices, and other basic safe and healthy practices in child care programs.

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