Firearm-related death rate per 100,000 Vermonters
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
Last Updated: September 2022
Author: Injury Prevention Program Team, Vermont Department of Health
We want this number to do down
Further investigation into Vermont’s gunshot wound incidents shows that most are related to attempts to end one’s life or related to events of domestic violence.
For more informatoin please see our Firearm Injury & Death Data Brief.
Why Is This Important?
Many firearm related deaths can be prevented by using strategies employed by public health actions and in collaboration with local and state partners.
Reducing deaths related to firearms using public health related strategies involves many partners, such as schools, law enforcement, mental health professionals, health care providers, and community based groups.
What Works
Programs that have been employed to affect this measure include firearm public safety messages, health care provider education with individuals and families, hunter education courses, distribution of gun safety locks, and outreach to gun shop owners.
Strategies involve outreach and coordination with state and community partners as listed above.
Notes on Methodology
Age adjusted to U.S. 2000 standard population. Data include all Vermont residents.