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Communities are Safe for Children, Youth and Families (Anne Arundel County) and 1 more... less...


Communities are Safe for Children, Youth and Families (Anne Arundel CD)

Local Indicator: DMC: Relative Rate Index of Arrest for African American Youth in comparison to White Youth - (Annual)

Current Value




Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

Completed with the Disproportionate Minority Contact Committee

  • Bias inside the judicial system, school system etc. (Implicit and explicit)
  • Transfer of things previously handled inside schools to being handled by the juvenile justice system
  • Lack of understanding of cultural issues/differences
  • Poverty
  • Lack of education across the board
  • Preconcieved notions/concepts about certain races (i.e. what community they live in and correlating expectations)
  • Lack of resources and access to services in certain parts of the county - programming, affordable after school care, jobs, transportation, mentoring programs
  • Lack of community centers, hubs of activity or alternatives to gangs, drugs, violence (B&G clubs, Y, sports teams, recreation)
  • Outdated juvenile laws
  • Outdated standards - youth don't behave in the same ways now as they did 30 years ago (lack of recognition for cultural shifts/social mores)
  • Poor parenting/lack of partnerships with parents/lack of parent engagement (parents - schools - law enforcement)
  • Relationship between the community and the schools that serve the community
  • Peer pressure - group dynamics vs. individual dynamics and social expectations among adolescents
  • Mental Health issues
  • Substance use/abuse
  • Roles that media/social media/peers/parents play in perceptions of law enforcement and what children are taught or exposed to about law enforcement (i.e. "the police hate you" or "the police are out to get you")
  • Poor reporting by the media ("alternative facts" and the sensationalizing of violence)
  • Officers have limited choices - legal requirements, policy requirements? Strict guidelines that must be followed.
  • Parental connections - or lack thereof - where the process can be circumvented
  • Need more diversion strategies
  • Lack of mentoring
  • Lack of consistency in offering the same opportunities to all youth in all circumstances
  • Need better relationships between community supports and schools (like diversion programs)
  • Lack of awareness at the community level that this is a problem
  • Specific issues in African American neighborhoods/communities contributing to rise in criminal behavior
  • Need more people trained in conflict resolution strategies
  • Gang issues
  • Atrophied fear of death, imprisonment, etc. and lack of respect for anyone/lack of empathy
  • Cultural issues around respect/relationships and "street code" in conflict with more traditional community values (loyalty, honor, respect)


  • Partnership
  • DJS
  • Police
  • County Exec's Office
  • Mental Health Agency
  • State's Attorney's Office
  • Public Defenders Office
  • Non-profit/family serving agencies
  • Diversion programs
  • Faith community
  • Parents
  • Youth
  • Judicial system - courts, Judges
  • Annapolis City Police
  • HUD
  • HACA
  • Philanthropy

What Works

  • Community Conferencing
  • Teen Court
  • YES
  • JIFI
  • The Peak YSB
  • Strengthening Families
  • Mentoring
  • Reconnecting Youth
  • Access to employment
  • 2 gen approaches (kids and parents)
  • Community Policing
  • Project Alert (substance abuse prevention/education)
  • Life skills training
  • Role models with lived experience
  • Surrogate Victims in Community Conferencing


  • For Community Conferencing to have more "bite" - law compelling parent participation
  • OR use Police Department as POC for parents to more "strongly encourage" parent participation
  • Policy that says that kids referred to CC for school-based offenses, they are required to participate in CC in order to be reinstated to school
  • Require participation of both parents and youth in Strengthening Families (or similar 2 gen approach/program)
  • Use "Show Cause" cards to enforce parent participation (could also help parents that want to engage but have issues with missing work etc.)
  • Revise school policy so that activities like trespassing on school property, disruption of school activities, and other minor offenses are NOT referred to police and are instead resolved at the school level (low cost/no-cost)
  • Train adolescents that have been through Community Conferencing and were successful could be trained as a peer mediator to work on other conferences and perhaps get a stipend (Off the wall)
  • Increased focus on mentoring (and job training)
  • Increased focus on life-skills
  • Engage business community in providing activities (summer programs, after school, etc.) for kids - centralized source for coordinating these types of opportunities
  • Bring back Youth Activities Program!
  • Youth engagement on development of strategies/programs that speak to what they self-identify what they want/need

Data Discussion

  • Need better data on DMC arrest rates, program success rates,
  • Disaggregated data by race/ethnicity, age, geography, gender
  • Recidivism rates by offense
  • Recidivism rates for those in diversion programs
  • Lets look at RRI/DMC for other races as a point of comparison
  • Is there any kind of survey or data source that captures why youth drop out of school?

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