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Objective 2 - Reduce the proportion of adults who are consider obese/overweight based on BMI and 1 more... less...


Macomb County Lifestyle Indicators

Percentage of middle school students who are obese

Current Value




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Story Behind the Curve

Michigan has one of the highest obesity rates in the nation. Obesity is defined as a BMI greater than or equal to 30.0. Obesity has been proven to increase the risk of various diseases and health conditions including high blood pressure, diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease, high cholesterol, and some forms of cancer. Macomb County aims to reduce the proportion of adults who are considered obese/overweight based on BMI from 33.1% to 30% by 2021.

Data source: The Michigan Profile for Healthy Youth (MiPHY)

What Works


Lifestyles incorporating healthy eating and regular physical activity are the key to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. The Michigan Health and Wellness 4x4 Plan identifies 4 crucial healthy behaviors- maintain a healthy diet, engage in regular exercise, get an annual physical examination, and avoid tobacco use- that are protective against chronic disease. It also identities 4 key health measures to monitor: BMI (Body Mass Index), blood pressure, cholesterol level, and blood sugar (glucose) level.


The Macomb County Health Department has identified chronic disease and healthy lifestyle as a priority in the 2017 Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) after reviewing quantitative and qualitative data in the Community Health Assessment (CHA). You can read more about the CHA and corresponding CHIP and related work group activities on the Community Health Assessment resource page. We aim to reduce the proportion of adults who are considered obese/overweight based on BMI from 33.1% to 30% by utilizing health promotion campaigns centered on overweight and obese health outcomes and through collaboration with the Diabetes Prevention Program.


Macomb Partners in Health

MOTION Coalition

HealthStyles of Macomb County

Diabetes Prevention Program

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