All Arkansans will live free of tobacco, alcohol, and drug dependency.
Outcome measures data should reflect what we are trying to achieve in our goal. However, population level outcomes may also be influenced by factors unrelated to the SHIP interventions.
Adults who are current cigarette, cigar or pipe smokers
Current Value
Description: Data represent percentages of adults aged 18 and over who reported that they currently smoke at least some days.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Notes: Percentages are adjusted for age and can be compared to other locations or time periods with different population sizes and distributions.
These data are self-reported.
How are we doing on the data?
Are things getting better? Worse? Staying the same? (2 minutes)
Story Behind the Curve
What factors are pushing up on the data? – 7.5 minutes
What factors are pushing down on the data? – 7.5 minutes
What partners can we engage to help? What contributions can they make? (5 minutes)
What Works
What solutions could make a difference? Be sure to consider low cost/no cost solutions and Off the Wall ideas. (15 minutes)
Action Plan
What are two or three concrete actions you can take to make the solutions happen? (10 minutes)