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Population Characteristics

All Arkansans reach their full potential in communities that identify and promote supportive relationships and provide healthy, safe, and nurturing environments.

Outcome measures data should reflect what we are trying to achieve in our goal. However, population level outcomes may also be influenced by factors unrelated to the SHIP interventions.

Percent of Population that Live Below the Poverty Rate

Current Value




Line Bar

Data Description and Source

Description: Positive trend. Percent of Arkansans living below poverty level decreased from approximately 20% in 2012 to 16% in 2017.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 1-year estimates, 2012-2017

Notes: Percent living below the poverty level, Table S1701

Story Behind the Curve

Although the percentage of individuals below 200% FPL has been decreasing slowly over the past decade, Arkansas still ranks 47th out of 50 states, with New Hampshire 1st (7.3%) and  Mississippi 51st (19.6%).

In 2019, Arkansas ranked 47th in the nation for the percentage of people who had incomes below the poverty line ($25,926 for a family of four). 

In 2019, more than 1 out of 5 children (21.7%) under 18 living in related families had incomes below the poverty line, making Arkansas 48th in the nation.

Ethnic and racial minorities are disproportionately affected by poverty with 27.1% of African Americans and 20.6% of Latino Arkansans living below the poverty line compared to 13.3% of the white population.

Rupa - we can add the rates for the additional years. I didn't want to do it because I thought we should be careful about who adds the data for accuracy. The #s I see are:

2018: 17.2%

2019:  16.2%


Why Is This Important?

Poverty is associated with poor health outcomes. It influences environmental exposures and health-related behaviors and is linked to an increased risk of mortality and chronic disease. Those with incomes below the federal poverty level may struggle to consistently meet their basic needs such as stable housing, food and health insurance coverage. The negative implications of poverty are far-reaching and include reduced access to health care services, decreased access to healthy food, lower rates of physical activity and higher rates of chronic disease and death.

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