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The people of the Bear River Health District will be among the healthiest in the state


Adults who engage in at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week

Current Value




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Story Behind the Curve

Active adults reduce their risk of many serious health conditions including obesity, heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, and high blood pressure. In addition, physical activity reduces the symptoms of anxiety and depression, improves modd and feelings of well being, and promotes healthy sleep patterns. More than 60% of adults in the United States do not engage in the recommended amount of activity and about 25 percent of adults are not active at all. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that active adults perform physical activity three to five times each week for 20 to 60 minutes at a time to improve cardiovascular fitness and body composition. In addition to reducing the risk of multiple chronic diseases, physical activity helps maintain healthy bones, muscles, joints and helps to control weight, develop lean muscle and reduce body fat.

This indicator shows the percentage of adults who participate in moderate or high intensity muscle strengthening activities as well as at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity, 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity or an equivalent combination of moderate and vigorous aerobic activity per week.

Data Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Office of Public Health Assessment, Center for Health Data and Informatics, Utah Department of Health, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-2101, Telephone: 801-538-9466, Website:, Email:


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