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Children enjoy the best start in life

Number of live births

Current Value





What is this about?

This indicator provides context by monitoring the number of births in Jersey, plus those children born off-Island to Jersey resident mothers and transferred back.

In 2021, there were 903 live births. The number of live births was higher than 2020 (869) which was the lowest annual total of births since 1983. The number of live births has declined by around a fifth (20%) since the latest peak seen in 2012.

Another measure of birth rates is the general fertility rate (GFR), which is defined as the number of live births in a year per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years in the population. Jersey's GFR in 2021 was 43 per 1,000. For comparison, the general fertility rate in England was 55 per 1,000 women of childbearing age in 2020.

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