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Young people at risk should be supported to create positive futures

Number of individual children aged 10 to 17 years attending Parish Hall Enquiries

Current Value





What is this about?

A small proportion of children in Jersey will come to the attention of the authorities for anti-social or criminal behaviour. For most, the lightest brush with the law is a sufficient deterrent. Those who go on to become persistent offenders should still be seen as children first and offenders second. They are children at risk who often need help to turn their lives around. Prolonged and intensive exposure to the criminal justice system is likely to entrench offending behaviour.

This indicator measures the number of individual children who are dealt with by Parish Hall Enquiries (PHEs). This unique Jersey institution, based on voluntary community involvement, has been recognised as an excellent model for dealing with young people who are in trouble with the law. It provides a distinctive and effective first tier of intervention and diversion from prosecution. It is not a court. It is a pre-court process designed to deal with offences and resolve disputes outside of the formal criminal justice system.

In 2020, 128 individual children attended PHEs in Jersey, with total case numbers of 148 (some children being repeat offenders). A long-term downward trend over the past nine years has seen the number of children attending PHEs fall by **%. 63% of the PHEs in 2020 involved first-time offenders (93 cases). Over this period, an average of 60% of children attending PHEs were first-time offenders. The majority of cases involve motor traffic offences.

In the period from 2005-09, an average of about 226 youths were sentenced in the Youth Court each year. Far fewer children are now dealt with in the court system. Just 25 individuals were sentenced in the Youth Court in 2019, seven of whom were repeat offenders (29 in 2018, including six repeat offenders).

Note: Figures in the data series were revised in March 2020 to correct some double-counting of invividuals in the original figures 

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