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Children in Jersey live healthy lifestyles

Health Related Quality of Life Score for children

Current Value




Health Related Quality of Life
The health related quality of life (HRQoL) is a concept that relates to an individual or group’s perceived physical and mental health. One way of measuring this concept is the Kidscreen-10 Index4.
Kidscreen-10 consists of ten questions5, each with five possible responses which are scored 1-5. This methodology gives a total raw score of between 10 and 50 which is transformed to a final score through an algorithm.

The mean score for various groupings can be used to compare the HRQoL between groups, and over time. The transformed scores are such that the European mean score for children aged 8-18 years is 50, with a standard deviation of 10.

10 Questions are:
Thinking about the last week…
 Have you felt fit and well?
 Have you felt full of energy?
 Have you felt sad?
 Have you felt lonely?
 Have you enough time for yourself?
 Have you been able to do the things that you want to do in your free time?
 Have your parent(s) treated you fairly?
 Have you had fun with your friends?
 Have you got on well at school?
 Have you been able to pay attention?


What is this about?

Since 2014, the Jersey School Survey has included a screening tool funded by the European Commission to understand health-related quality of life experienced by young people. The school survey is open to all children in Years 6, 8, 10, 12 (Year 12 were included from 2018). The screening tool (Kidscreen-10) consists of ten questions, each with five possible responses which are scored between 1-5. This methodology gives a total raw score of between ten and 50, which is transformed to a final score through an algorithm.



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