Households have sufficient income to afford a decent standard of living
Average earnings index (allowing for inflation)
Current Value
This indicator is indexed against 2013 (value = 100) to allow for comparison between years.
What is this about?
Earning an adequate wage has a big impact on Islanders' ability to afford a good standard of living. If earnings are growing faster than inflation, it shows that people in work are better off. This indicator tracks the change in mean average earnings in Jersey over time. It is presented as an index set at 100 in 1990 so that the change in the real value of earnings can be compared by allowing for inflation.
The Covid-19 pandemic has inevitably had a significant impact on the 2020 results. The latest annual increase in average earnings in the private sector was the lowest recorded since private sector earnings were first reported separately in 1995, but this was balanced by an exceptionally low inflation rate in June 2020. This was driven by temporary government relief measures (e.g. withdrawal of parking charges).
Following two years of small real-term decreases (when inflation outpaced average earnings), Jersey's real terms average earnings index increased by 1.9% between June 2019 and June 2020. Over the longer term, average earnings in Jersey have essentially remained flat in real terms since 2001, with gains made up until 2009 being lost in the subsequent decade. All-sector average earnings in June 2023 were 2.8% lower than in June 2022 in real terms and remain below the level seen in June 2009.
In June 2023 the lowest paid sectors were hospitality, wholesale and retail, and other business activities, (pay per FTE). Together these sectors made up 30% of all jobs in June 2023.