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Islanders use sustainable modes of transport

Consumption of unleaded petrol (litres)

Current Value





What is this about?

This indicator tracks the volume of unleaded petrol imported into Jersey. Many factors affect demand for vehicle fuel, including price, income, fuel efficiency and the quality of alternatives (e.g. public transport).

In the five years between 2015 and 2019 the quantity of unleaded petrol charged to excise duty reduced by an average of just over 1% per annum.

The quantity of petrol consumed for road use in 2020 saw an exceptional decrease of 12% as compared with 2019, due principally to the effect of Covid pandemic restrictions leading to a reduction in the use of road vehicles.  Factors influencing this reduction are believed to include school closures, a decrease in commuting, and a reduction in the number of visitors.   


Petrol accounts for 56% of road fuel used in the Island.

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