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Islanders enjoy life in a strong, inclusive community

% of Islanders who are very satisfied with Jersey as a place to live

Current Value





What is this about?

This data is collected using the Jersey Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, which surveys a representative sample of adults in Jersey. Participants are asked 'As a place to live, how satisfied are you with Jersey as a whole?' and can choose from the following responses: very satisfied; fairly satisfied; not very satisfied; or, not at all satisfied. The indicator focuses on the proportion of respondents who report being 'very satisfied'.

In 2022, 84% of adults were satisfied with Jersey as whole, with almost half (41%) being very satisfied. People who were born in Jersey were less satisfied (37%) than people born outside the Island (45%). Satisfaction also increased with age, ranging from a third (29%) of 16 to 34-year-olds to over half (56%) of those aged 65 and over.

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