Number of crimes recorded by the police per 1,000 population
Current Value
What is this about?
The number of crimes recorded by the police is widely used internationally to provide an overview of community safety over time. This indicator combines the number of crimes recorded by the police with demographic data to take into account changes in population.
It should be noted that police recorded crime statistics can be affected by changes in policing activity and recording practice and by the willingness of victims to report. As such, they can only cover crimes that come to the attention of the police. The headline figures also hides variations both within and across crime types. As such, this indicator is a useful supplement to other indicators on community safety and should invite analysis to understand the reasons behind significant variations over time.
Between 2008 and 2013, the overall crime rate in Jersey reduced by nearly 40% and has since remained broadly stable at around 30 crimes per 1,000 population.
Please note that from 2015 the mid year population estimates (from the Population & Migration Statisitics Report 2011-2021) were used to calculate this measure.