% of Islanders who say their neighbourhood is very safe
Current Value
What is this about?
Community safety is not just about crime reported to, and recorded by, the police. It is also about whether people feel safe, which is why this indicator focuses on public perceptions of safety. It uses data collected using the Jersey Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, which asks a representative sample of adults about the safety of their neighbourhoods in order to build a picture of community safety across the whole Island. Respondents are asked: 'How safe or unsafe do you consider your neighbourhood to be (within five minutes’ walk of your home)?' and can answer: very safe; fairly safe; a bit unsafe; very unsafe; or, don't know. Overall perceptions of safety (very safe and fairly safe) are so high in Jersey that this indicator focuses on the percentage of respondents who say very safe to allow scope for improvement.
Overall in 2022, 93% of Islanders say their neighbourhood is very safe or fairly safe with 63% recording a very safe response. The proportion who say very safe has increased from 35% in 2005 to 63% in 2022, including large increases recorded across every parish.