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All Children Ages 0-5 in Potter County Grow Up Healthy and 1 more... less...

Children in Potter County ages 0-5 are healthy

% of Potter County children who are food insecure

Current Value




Line Bar Comparison

About the Data

Definitions: Number and percentage of children estimated to be food insecure. A child (under 18 years old) is defined as being food insecure if he or she lives in a household having difficult meeting basic food needs, as defined by the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey. 

Data Source: Feeding America analysis of Current Population Survey data on food-insecure households and American Community survey data on household income, unemployment, poverty, homeownership, race and ethnicity. State totals do not reflect the sum of all counties in Texas. State totals are aggregated from congressional district data. 

Story Behind the Curve

Factors pushing up on the data

  • Impact of COVID
    • Unemployment
    • Kids at home during shutdown = more food
  • Limited access in certain zip codes
    • Food deserts
    • High cost for food in these areas
    • Transportation barriers
  • Increase Supply Chain Costs (energy/oil, gas)

  • Wages have not kept pace with increased cost

  • Challenging to get food benefits
    • Application/re-application process
    • Benefits cliff


Factors pushing down on the data

  • Generosity of the community
    • Small community, very big hearts
    • Small churches/charities and organizations that help to alleviate the need
  • Amarillo is a community of early adopters
    • Large enough to make things happen, small enough to be nimble in responses
  • Families are receiving additional federal benefits
    • Stimulus checks
    • Unemployment
    • Barriers to enrollment lowered or removed
  • Amarillo economic resurgence
    • Hospitality
    • Construction boom
    • Amazon
    • Expansion of TootnTotum
  • Snack Pak - 2010
  • Flexibility from the states in its funding guidelines, allowing state-funded programs to reallocate dollars during COVID to address food insecurity



High Plains Food Bank

Catholic Charities

Bethesda Outreach Center/Local Church Food Pantries

Snack Pak for Kids

Square Mile

WIC and Food Stamps

Tyson Foods

Amarillo Area Foundation (compiling players, prioritizing list)

Local/Independent Producers and Growers already working with city to help foster economic development around food issues

Community Gardens

Facebook group "panhandle mutual aid" real time needs

ARC at Amarillo College

Texas Ag Extension Agency

Texas Hunger Initiative


What Works

Square Mile advocacy, community garden and outreach

Free and reduced lunches at schools

Snack Pak for Kids

Hope backpacks


  • Increase the awareness of what's available and the availability of food to children and families through school programs, food banks, and food voucher programs (and enrollment)
  • Facilitate collaboration with local community groups to build collective strategies and clear communication that include families with young children (birth to 5)
  • Remove barriers (ID, transportation, paperwork, eligibility, stigma) that families experience which prevent them from accessing healthy nutritious foods
  • Advocate for policies, funding, and/or services that increase the availability and accessibility of food supports for children and families
  • Expand awareness and understanding in the greater community about the prevalence and impact of Food Insecurity

These strategies were prioritized by OF5 partners in the beginning of 2022.

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