All people in North Carolina have access to comprehensive, high quality, affordable health insurance.
Brunswick County residents have equitable access and availability of high-quality affordable health care.
All Union County residents have access to high quality, affordable health care and a medical home.
All People in ABC Health District are Healthy and Thriving.
All adults in P.C. are healthy and happy.
All residents in Edgecombe County are healthy and thriving
All People in ABC Health District are Healthy and Thriving
All Cumberland Residents have equitable access to high-quality affordable primary care
All residents of Cumberland County will have access to equitable healthcare.
All residents of Franklin County have equitable access to high quality, affordable primary care.
All residents of Pamlico County have equitable access to high quality, affordable primary care.
All residents of Johnston County have equitable access to high quality, affordable primary care.
Decrease the uninsured population
Craven County residents have equitable and affordable access and availability to comprehensive health services.
All Granville and Vance residents have equitable access to affordable, high-quality health care.
2019 SOTCH Report
People in Duplin County are mentally and physically healthy
All members of the Orange County community have meaningful access to resources and supports to define, maintain, and improve their physical, mental, and social health and wellbeing
All Jones County community members have equitable access to comprehensive, affordable primary care
All people in Columbus County live in communities that value preventive measures for COVID-19.
All Davie County residents have access to high quality affordable healthcare insurance
Result Statement Form
Result Statement 1
Result Statement 1
Results Statement #1
All people in Surry County have access to high quality, affordable health care insurance.
All Davidson County residents have equitable access to nutritious foods, physical activity, and other necessary resources to prevent/manage chronic disease and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.
Historically marginalized, uninsured and underinsured people in Durham County have access to quality healthcare coverage and have an established primary care home.
All people in Johnston County have access to comprehensive, high quality, and affordable healthcare by clinicians that identify with people they serve.
All people in Duplin County have equitable access to high-quality health care
All people in Nash County have equitable opportunities to address their conditions and causes of poverty through education and partnership program services to increase self-sufficiency.
All Johnston County residents have equitable access to high quality, personal health services.
Chatham County has an accessible, all-inclusive, whole person-centered system of care for the prevention and management of physical and behavioral health issues.
All residents of Franklin County have equitable access to high quality, affordable care.
State level HNC indicator measures
All people in Gaston County neighborhoods have adequate access to healthcare to attain full health potential
All people in Cherokee County have access to Primary and Secondary Care.
All Residents that lack Health Insurance in McDowell County will have Insurance
People in Duplin County are healthy, resilient, and thriving
All people in Macon County have easy access to primary and secondary care.
All Jones County residents have equitable access comprehensive healthcare services.
All people in North Carolina have equitable access to comprehensive, high-quality, affordable, and person-centered health care
All people in Granville and Vance counties have easy and affordable access to healthcare.
All people of Clay County have access to equitable and affordable healthcare
All people in Edgecombe County have access to comprehensive, high quality, affordable health care provided by clinicians who identify with the culture of people they serve.
All individuals and families in the ARHS service area have access to equitable, comprehensive care.
All people are living happy, healthy lives because Avery County has the ability to respond, withstand, and recover from adversity.
All people are living happy, healthy lives because Avery County has the ability to respond, withstand, and recover from adversity.
All people in Carteret County have access to comprehensive, high quality, healthcare, counseling services, affordable health insurance, housing and food
All people have the resources accessible in Mitchell County that they need to live a healthy, happy, productive life.
Mitchell County is a thriving, safe community, where everyone gets along, & has what they need to be healthy. Residents in Mitchell County have household stability and health care for all.
All people in Northampton County have access to comprehensive, high quality affordable health care provided by clinicians of identify with the culture of the people they serve.
All people in Northampton County have access to comprehensive high quality affordable health care provided by clinicians who identify with the culture of the people that they serve.
All people in Dare County have equitable access to health services.
"All people in Pamlico County have access to comprehensive, high quality, affordable health insurance."
All people in Hertford County have equitable and affordable access to health and human services.
All people of Chowan county have access to equitable healthcare to prevent Chronic disease
All People of Chowan county live a Healthier lifestyle
All people in Hoke County have equitable access to healthcare.
All people in Edgecombe County have access to comprehensive, high quality, affordable health care.
All people in New Hanover County have access to high quality, affordable, comprehensive, and equitable healthcare, regardless of insurance, age, race, gender identity, residential status, socio-economic status, health condition and/or language.
All people in Orange County will have equitable access to health services, including health insurance.
All people in Pender County have primary and secondary care.
Wake County has accessible, connected, and de-stigmatized healthcare resources for everyone in the community, leading to a changed outlook on life and opportunities for the individual, their families, and generations to come.
All residents of Mecklenburg County have equitable access to high quality, affordable primary care.
All people in eastern NC have access to affordable health care.
All adults in North Carolina have equitable and adaptive/adaptable access to healthcare as they age
All people in Montgomery County live in healthy, equitable communities that offer complete social, physical and mental well-being to all its residents at all stages of life.
Uninsured and underinsured people in Durham County have access to quality healthcare coverage and have an established primary care home equipped to address health-related social needs.
All people in Guilford County have access comprehensive, high quality, affordable health insurance and health care.
People in Duplin County are healthy, resilient, and thriving
All people in Pamlico County have access to comprehensive, high quality, affordable health insurance.
Access to Care (Result statement to be developed)
Result Statement 2
Uninsured: Percent of North Carolina population under age 65 without health insurance (Total) - SAHIE
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
- In 2023 the “Uninsured” data source changed from SCHS to SAHIE (Small Area Health Insurance Estimates).
- Only White/Black/Hispanic data available for 2014-2020.
- Only 2021 & 2022 data available for "All Other Race" group
Indicator Notes
Individuals who did not have health insurance coverage for the entire calendar year. [US Census]
Why is this Important?
Access to affordable, quality health care positively impacts individual health and well-being. Health insurance is the most common means of accessing affordable health care.
Uninsured individuals may be unable to access affordable health insurance. Lack of health insurance can result in poor health outcomes and create financial burdens, further impacting health and well-being. [HNC2030]
Additional Information:
- In 2023 the “Uninsured” data source changed from SCHS to SAHIE.
- Only White/Black/Hispanic data available for 2014-2020.
- Only 2021 & 2022 data available for "All Other Race" group
References and Links:
Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) Program (