Greene County residents live healthy lives.
All people in North Carolina have long and healthy lives.
Harnett County families actively engage in cancer screening and prevention opportunities.
All Residents in ABC District are Healthy and Thriving.
All in Edgecombe County will be free of chronic disease and will be educated in their choices for food, exercise and well-being.
All New Hanover County Residents have access to reliable and accurate information regarding environmental health exposure in our community.
All community members in Hoke County will value a healthy lifestyle.
Residents will live in a community that supports a healthy lifestyle free of chronic disease
All Sampson County residents have long lives
Rowan County residents live in communities that support healthy weight initiatives.
All Warren County residents live in communities that support healthy weight initiatives.
All Northampton County residents live in communities that support tobacco-free/e-cigarette-free lifestyles.
All residents of Johnston County have a healthy cardiovascular system.
All residents of Johnston County have a healthy respiratory system.
People in Pender County value prevention and live long healthy lives
2020 SOTCH Report
People in Duplin County are healthy, resilient and thriving
Individuals in Burke County value living a healthy lifestyle.
All people in Jones County live in communities that promote and support healthy behaviors
All Anson County residents live in communities that support tobacco-free/e-cigarette-free lifestyles.
All people in NC live in communities with equitable access to evidence-based substance use disorder services for treatment and recovery.
More Personians preventing or delaying the onset of type 2 diabetes.
Results Statement 2
All people in Alexander County live in communities that foster and support positive healthy lifestyles.
All people in Columbus County live in communities that value preventive measures for COVID-19.
Physical Health and Chronic Disease - result statement
All people in Montgomery County live in communities that support healthy lifestyles.
All citizens of Alexander County live life free from communicable disease
Result Statement 2
Result Statement 2
Results Statement Form
All community members in Surry County value and have equitable access to health services and education.
All Individuals and families in the ARHS service area will live a healthy lifestyle.
All Davidson County residents have equitable access to nutritious foods, physical activity, and other necessary resources to prevent/manage chronic disease and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.
LIFE EXPECTANCY All people in North Carolina have long and healthy lives.
All people in Johnston County with a Substance Use Disorder have access to equitable substance use resources.
Johnston County residents have access to public transportation to access health care, recreation, employment, education, and shopping.
All people who work, live, play and pray in Nash County have various opportunities to access of health and wellness programs.
All people in Duplin County have the knowledge and resources to prevent or manage chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and stroke
All people in Duplin County have equitable access to high-quality health care
Result Statement 2-Inclusion of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and obesity
All people in Scotland County have access to equitable and affordable healthcare
All people in Haywood County live long and healthy lives filled with physical activity, healthy eating, and quality healthcare.
Vulnerable populations in Beaufort County will have equitable access to healthcare resources in the community.
State level HNC indicator measures
All people in Franklin County have equitable opportunities to attain full health potential.
People in Duplin County are healthy, resilient, and thriving
All people in Onslow County have access and increased awareness of community resources needed to ensure healthy living.
All people in Pitt County have long and healthy lives.
All people in Buncombe County have the opportunity to eat healthy culturally appropriate foods, have safe green spaces for physical activity, and access to self-identified supports to prevent/manage chronic disease
All systems in North Carolina support equitable opportunity for all North Carolinians to reach their fullest potential in health and well-being
All people of Clay County live long healthy lives.
All people in Washington County will have increased knowledge on how to access community resources for health and well-being.
All people in Martin County will have increased knowledge on how to access community resources for health and well-being.
All Johnston County residents have access to health care and social services regardless of transportation barriers.
Craven County residents are living a healthy and active lifestyle.
All people of working age in Edgecombe County have equitable pathways to fulfilling employment throughout life.
All people in Northampton County have long and healthy lives
All individuals and families in the ARHS service area have access to equitable, comprehensive care.
All Individuals and families in the ARHS service area live a healthy lifestyle.
All people in Forsyth County will live long and healthy lives.
All people in Avery County will obtain optimal health by developing good eating habits through having access to adequate nutrition, being more productive in daily life.
All people in Carteret County have longer healthier lives, access to health care, better food choices and activities.
Mitchell County is a thriving, safe community, where everyone gets along, & has what they need to be healthy. Residents in Mitchell County have household stability and health care for all.
All people in Stokes County live in communities that support healthy lifestyles.
All people in Dare County have equitable access to health services.
All people in ENC have long healthy lives
All members of the Orange County community have meaningful access to resources and supports to define, maintain, and improve their physical, mental, and social health and wellbeing.
"All people in Pamlico County have access to comprehensive, high quality, affordable health insurance."
All people in Greene County have affordable equitable access to culturally appropriate nutrient dense foods, exercise opportunities, community support, and supporting education.
All people in Hertford County have long healthy lives.
All people of Chowan county have access to equitable healthcare to prevent Chronic disease
All People of Chowan county live a Healthier lifestyle
All people in Hoke County have long and healthy lives.
All people in Brunswick County live in communities that support healthy lifestyles.
All people in Edgecombe County have appropriate social resources to achieve economic prosperity
All Elders in Alexander County have equitable access to high quality primary care and health resources.
All Wayne County residents have long and healthy lives and live in communities that support tobacco free lifestyles.
Care Fair Health Screenings
All people in Brunswick County have long and healthy lives
All people in Scotland County have opportunities for active living and healthy eating.
All people in Beaufort County have the knowledge and resources to prevent or manage chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, stroke, and cancer.
All individuals in Pender County engage in a healthy lifestyle.
All Harnett County residents engage in healthy lifestyles conducive to chronic disease prevention.
Everyone in Person County has the resources needed to maintain a healthy weight.
All people in Warren County Have All The Resources They Need To Live Healthy Lives.
All people in Mecklenburg live long, healthy lives.
All people in eastern NC have access to affordable health care.
All people in Columbus County have access to prevention and early detection cancer screenings.
Develop the capacity to collect, analyze, and report local public health data.
Develop the capacity to collect, analyze, and report local public health data
Develop the capacity to collect, analyze, and report local public health data
Use Data to Drive Decision Making and Improve Health
All people in Generic County recovering from substance misuse have access to safe, supportive home environments that support evidence-based treatment strategies.
Iredell County residents enjoy a life free of chronic disease.
Promote Harm Reduction and Reduce Substance Use
Support Recruitment, Development, and Diversity of Public Health Workforce
All people in Rockingham County [condition of well-being].
Improvement of the Quality, Timeliness, and Availability of Reports and Exams
Autopsy Unit
Support Recruitment, Development, and Diversity of Public Health Workforce
All people in Mecklenburg live long, healthy lives.
All people in Mecklenburg live long, healthy lives.
People in Duplin County are healthy, resilient, and thriving
Swain County Residents are Vibrant, Active, and Living Their Healthiest Lives
All people in Pamlico County have access to comprehensive, high quality, affordable health insurance.
Life Expectancy (Total) in NC - ONE YEAR DATA: Average # of years of life remaining for people who have attained a given age
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
One Year* North Carolina Life Expectancy (TOTAL) declined from 78.1 years in 2016 to 75.0 in 2021. It rose slightly to 76.2 in 2022.
* State-level Life Expectancy data available for one-year and for three-year averages.
* Disaggregated (Race/Ethnicity) state-level and county-level data available for three-year averages only.
Indicator Notes
Life Expectancy at Birth.
Life Expectancy (LE) is the average number of additional years that someone at a given age would be expected to live if current mortality conditions remained constant throughout their lifetime.
Life Expectancy figures for total NC population and disaggregated by gender are available annually and based on 3-year rolling averages.
County level disaggregated data (by race/ethnicity) are available for 3-year rolling averages.
Why is this Important?
Life Expectancy is a key health indicator and serves as a proxy measure for the total health of a population. [CDC, HNC2030]
Additional Information:
County level disaggregated data (by race/ethnicity) are available for 3-year rolling averages
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