Story Behind the Curve
Public transportation systems can have potential traffic safety, air quality, active transportation, and accessibility benefits, thus improving associated personal health outcomes.
Greeley-Evans Transit, NFRMPO, WCDPHE.
What Works
Travel trainings give people the confidence and skills to travel independently on buses. Being able to travel on public transport is a key life skill. Improving individual mobility will result in address chronic disease (e.g., asthma, diabetes, heart disease), improve access to health-supportive resources, improve equity, increase physical activity, improve safety, reduce motor vehicle-related injuries and fatalities, reduce transportation’s contribution to air pollution.
Action Plan
Partners will work together to implement the training as requested usually at their location. Sessions take one hour or two if a trip demonstration is included. During the training we will cover: Confidence in using buses or trains, how to use timetables and buy tickets, troubleshooting, and respond participant questions.