% of Islanders who drink alcohol at potentially hazardous or harmful levels
Current Value
What is this about?
The Fast Alcohol Screening Test (FAST) is a screening tool designed to highlight potentially harmful or hazardous drinking behaviours. The score is based on the responses to four of the above questions asked in the JOLS survey (see Annex for details). A score of 3 or above indicates potentially harmful or hazardous drinking.
• a quarter (25%) of drinkers were found to be drinking at potentially hazardous or harmful levels (FAST score of 3 or above)
• a third (33%) of drinkers aged 16-34 were drinking at potentially hazardous or harmful levels, compared to around one in eight (13%) drinkers aged 65 and over
• just over a third (35%) of men were drinking at potentially hazardous or harmful levels; compared to 16% of females
• the proportion of adults drinking at potentially hazardous levels has remained essentially unchanged since 2010