% of Islanders who eat the recommended level of fruit and vegetables
Current Value
What is this about?
In many countries, including the UK, Germany, France and the USA, people are recommended to eat five or more portions of fruit and vegetables each day. Data on local consumption is gathered through the Jersey Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, which surveys a representative sample of adults. Respondents are asked 'how many portions of fruit or vegetables did you eat yesterday'. Responses are categorised into: 0 portions; 1-4 portions; and, 5+ portions (equal to or above the NHS recommended level).
In 2021, only 31% of Jersey adults reported having eaten five or more fruit or vegetable portions the previous day and this percentage has been fairly similar over the period 2013 to 2021. In the UK, 29% of adults report meeting the guidelines but, again, the proportion has not changed over time.