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Pupils complete compulsory education successfully

% of all Jersey pupils achieving five or more standard GCSE passes including English and mathematics

Current Value





What is this about?

Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic all summer examinations in 2020 and 2021 were cancelled. 
In 2020, pupils scheduled to sit GCSE exams were awarded a centre assessment grade (CAG, based on what the school or college believed the student would most likely have achieved had exams gone ahead) or their calculated grade using a model developed by Ofqual – whichever was the higher of the two.
In 2021, pupils were only assessed on the content they had been taught for each course. Schools were given flexibility to decide how to assess their pupils’ performance, for example, through mock examinations, class tests, and non-examination assessments already completed. GCSE grades were then determined by teachers based on the range of evidence available and they are referred to as teacher-assessed grades, or TAGs.
As a result, the 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 data should not be directly compared to attainment data from previous years for the purposes of measuring changes in student performance. In 2021, 76.5% of all Jersey pupils achieved five or more standard GCSE passes including English and mathematics. 

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